On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 01:27:07PM -0600, Stephen Warren wrote:
> On 07/24/2015 04:01 PM, Tom Warren wrote:
> >Based on Venice2, incorporates Stephen Warren's
> >latest P2571 pinmux table.
> >
> >With Thierry Reding's 64-bit build fixes, this
> >will build and and boot in 64-bit on my P2571
> >(when used with a 32-bit AVP loader).
> >diff --git a/board/nvidia/p2571/max77620_init.c 
> >b/board/nvidia/p2571/max77620_init.c
> >+void pmic_enable_cpu_vdd(void)
> This function is never called, or even linked into the binary. For previous
> Tegra SoCs, it was called from the SPL before booting the CCPLEX. Since
> there is no SPL for Tegra210, nothing calls this.
> >+    debug("%s: Set LDO2 for VDDIO_SDMMC_AP power to 3.3V\n", __func__);
> >+    /* 0xF2 for 3.3v, enabled: bit7:6 = 11 = enable, bit5:0 = voltage */
> >+    reg = 0xF200 | MAX77620_CNFG1_L2_REG;
> >+    tegra_i2c_ll_write_addr(MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, 2);
> >+    tegra_i2c_ll_write_data(reg, I2C_SEND_2_BYTES);
> >+    udelay(10 * 1000);
> This explains why the SD card isn't working for me on p2371-2180; I guess
> the PMIC OTP on that board has this regulator disabled, and since this code
> never runs, it never gets turned on. If I manually turn it on using the i2c
> command, then "mmc dev 1" works.
> For p2571, I think we should either delete this file entirely. Or, at least
> strip it down so that it's not touching global PMIC configuration but rather
> just enabling any non-CCPLEX rails that U-Boot might need such as SD card
> and USB, then rename the function and arrange for it to be called from
> somewhere. I'm not sure what a good name and call-site would be yet.

Have you looked at my P2371 support patches? Specifically commit "ARM:
tegra: Add NVIDIA P2371 support" has the board-level code that I've used
to boot upstream on the device. There's a board_mmc_power_init()
implementation which overrides the weak dummy provided in


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