Dear Jean and Dirk,

>>>>>  cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/lowlevel_init.S |   12 ++++++++++++
>>>>>  cpu/arm_cortexa8/start.S               |   14 --------------
>>>>>  2 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
>>>>> Index: u-boot-arm/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/lowlevel_init.S
>>>>> ===================================================================
>>>>> --- u-boot-arm.orig/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/lowlevel_init.S
>>>>> +++ u-boot-arm/cpu/arm_cortexa8/omap3/lowlevel_init.S
>>>>> @@ -181,6 +181,18 @@ lowlevel_init:
>>>>>    /* back to arch calling code */
>>>>>    mov     pc, lr
>>>>> reset_cpu
>>>>> +reset_cpu:
>>>>> +  ldr     r1, rstctl                      @ get addr for global reset
>>>>> +                                          @ reg
>>>>> +  mov     r3, #0x2                        @ full reset pll + mpu
>>>>> +  str     r3, [r1]                        @ force reset
>>>>> +  mov     r0, r0
>>>>> +_loop_forever:
>>>>> +  b       _loop_forever
>>>>> +rstctl:
>>>>> +  .word   PRM_RSTCTRL
>>>>> +
>>>> please move this to reset.S other wise fine
>>> Most probably your idea is that each file should only contain
>>> functionality which fits 100% (120%?) what the file name implies (?).
>>> While from general point of view this is correct, it makes no sense to
>>> create new files again and again just to follow this rule. We already
>>> created a cache.c on your request, now you request a new file reset.S
>>> for ~5 assembly lines. This new file would contain more comments (e.g.
>>> GPL header) than useful code.
>> the idea is different here
>> I want to have only code in lowlevel_init.S that can be disable by
>> CONFIG_SKIP_LOWLEVEL_INIT and do it via Makefile
> Looking at recent OMAP3 lowlevel_init.S most probably some other stuff
> has to be moved to make this work, too. So for the moment, the
> cleanest way is to move above reset_cpu to low_levelinit.S. And then
> later, after thorough investigation and testing, move the stuff needed
> for your idea to an appropriate place. This move will be consistent
> then and will avoid polluting source tree with unnecessary files until
> then.
> So let's do it in two steps:
> a) Now, move reset_cpu to lowlevel_init.S so that Riverful can go on
> with his work
> b) Later, move everything necessary in one consistent patch set while
> you implement your "CONFIG_SKIP_LOWLEVEL_INIT via Makefile" idea

As you known riverful and me prepare the new SOC (s5pc100) patch.
so, we've been waiting for this issue to be resolved.
Please let me know how do you solve this problem.

I think... as Wolfgang said.. it would be better make new file.

I hope to be progressed this issue :)

from. prom.
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