Hi Stephen,

On 10 July 2015 at 23:34, Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org> wrote:
> On 07/07/2015 08:53 PM, Simon Glass wrote:
>> Raspberry Pi uses a DWC2 USB controller and a SMSC USB Ethernet adaptor.
>> Neither of these currently support driver model.
>> This series does the following:
>> - Move Raspberry Pi to use device tree control (u-boot-dtb.bin instead of
>>      u-boot.bin)
> I'd strongly prefer not to do this. For one thing, it means we'd need
> different U-Boot builds for each of the different RPi models, and we
> currently don't need that (or perhaps we require users to create their
> own u-boot-dtb.bin by choosing the right DTB to append). If it

Why does device tree change how things work now? The get_board_rev()
function currently deals with this. It doesn't look like rpi_board_rev
is used anywhere else.

> absolutely must be done, please note that there are many more RPi models
> than there are currently DT files for in the upstream kernel. I keep
> meaning to add a complete set of DT files to the kernel, but haven't
> gotten around to it yet. Take a look at
> board/raspberrypi/rpi/rpi.c:models[] for a likely list of the different
> DTs we'd need.

I've only added two - one for Raspberry Pi, and one for Raspberry Pi 2
(patches not sent yet, but at u-boot-dm/rpi-working)

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