Ok, great, I use a little the file extlinux with Fedora on Wandboard.

Thank you for your detailed answer.

Le vendredi 26 juin 2015, Nikolay Dimitrov <picmas...@mail.bg> a écrit :

> Hi XoD,
> On 06/26/2015 02:54 PM, XoD wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have now tested upstream uboot-imx with OpenELEC with SPL suppport for
>> wandbard.
>> It's work great without your patch. but with your path, OpenELEC don't
>> boot.
>> The default uboot config assume than kernel file name is zImage.
>> But OpenELEC use a filename KERNEL.
>> The actual version of OpenELEC use a uEnv.txt file with this line :
>> zImage=/KERNEL
>> bootfile=/KERNEL
>> But this no longer work with your patch.
>> How I can configure uboot to open a file named KERNEL instead of zImage
>> (at
>> build time or at runtime) ?
> config_distro_bootcmd uses a cool feature called "extlinux", which
> allows you to define a boot configuration without hacking in U-Boot
> source/configuration. Here's how it works:
> 1. U-Boot scans a list of boot devices (mmc, usb, pxe, dhcp)
> 2. When it find a bootable local storage (mmc, usb) it looks for the
> first bootable partition, or just first one if no partition was marked
> as bootable
> 3. U-Boot looks for extlinux.conf in "/" and "/boot". This file
> contains the actual boot configuration (kernel image, bootargs, etc)
> that will be executed on boot. Here's how a simple extlinux.conf looks
> like:
> -----> cut <-----
> default linux
> label linux
> kernel /boot/zImage
> devicetree /boot/mydevicetree.dtb
> append console=ttymxc1,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk0p1 rw
> -----> cut <-----
> 4. U-Boot boots the "default" configuration.
> Hope this helps.
> Regards,
> Nikolay
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