
I've got a banana pi since few days.
It's based on a Sunxi u boot but i'm using the Mainline u-boot.

I'm using debian and i don't find how to get a working connection at

I need to have an IP at boot who permit me to connect over SSH and
unlock a LUKS Volume.

I got a EFIKA MX and there is a boot.script in /boot but with the
banana pi I only have a boot.scr file.

How can I get a working connection with DHCP at boot ?

Now I only have : 
> IP-Config: eth0 hardware address 02:c4:06:82:13:47 mtu 1500 DHCP
> Please unlock disk mmcblk0p5_crypt:
> IP-Config: no response after 2 secs - giving up
> IP-Config: eth0 hardware address 02:c4:06:82:13:47 mtu 1500 DHCP
> IP-Config: no response after 3 secs - giving up
> IP-Config: no response after 16 secs - giving up
> /scripts/init-premount/dropbear: line 32: ipconfig: not found

Thanks in advance


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