The following changes since commit 5bcec545a6ca977ad74ee9fe0f2b335d348b5000:

  image-fit: Fix compiler warning in fit_conf_print() (2015-06-06 09:30:20 

are available in the git repository at:

  git:// HEAD

for you to fetch changes up to 2911bd1858d11308164b0b33de4ea0e8994d3edf:

  samsung: common: add example boot scripts (2015-06-08 15:26:11 +0200)

Inha Song (2):
      smdk5420: board: add functions to init dfu environment settings
      usb: f_mass_storage: sleep_thread: decrease the interval for check ctrlc()

Joonyoung Shim (1):
      smdk5420: board: add functions required to enable USB DWC3

Nikhil Badola (1):
      drivers: usb: fsl: Return if USB_MAX_CONTROLLER_COUNT is incorrect

Przemyslaw Marczak (2):
      odroid-xu3: config: enable DFU/THOR/UMS by add configs and environment
      samsung: common: add example boot scripts

Ɓukasz Majewski (2):
      arm: exynos: USB3 PHY base definition for Exynos5 SoCs
      samsung: usb: phy: Support for DWC3 PHY

 arch/arm/include/asm/arch-exynos/cpu.h        |  2 +-
 board/samsung/common/board.c                  |  6 +++++-
 board/samsung/common/bootscripts/autoboot.cmd | 92 
 board/samsung/common/bootscripts/bootzimg.cmd | 10 ++++++++++
 board/samsung/smdk5420/smdk5420.c             | 80 
 drivers/usb/dwc3/Makefile                     |  1 +
 drivers/usb/dwc3/samsung_usb_phy.c            | 78 
 drivers/usb/gadget/f_mass_storage.c           |  2 +-
 drivers/usb/host/ehci-fsl.c                   |  2 +-
 include/configs/odroid_xu3.h                  | 88 
 include/samsung-usb-phy-uboot.h               | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 11 files changed, 364 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 board/samsung/common/bootscripts/autoboot.cmd
 create mode 100644 board/samsung/common/bootscripts/bootzimg.cmd
 create mode 100644 drivers/usb/dwc3/samsung_usb_phy.c
 create mode 100644 include/samsung-usb-phy-uboot.h
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