On 06/03/2015 02:35 PM, Tom Warren wrote:
Based on Venice2, may change as P2571 board is fully
brought up. Incorporates Stephen Warren's P2571 pinmux table.

diff --git a/board/nvidia/p2571/max77620_init.c 

+void tegra_i2c_ll_write_addr(uint addr, uint config)
+       struct i2c_ctlr *reg = (struct i2c_ctlr *)TEGRA_DVC_BASE;
+       writel(addr, &reg->cmd_addr0);
+       writel(config, &reg->cnfg);
+void tegra_i2c_ll_write_data(uint data, uint config)
+       struct i2c_ctlr *reg = (struct i2c_ctlr *)TEGRA_DVC_BASE;
+       writel(data, &reg->cmd_data1);
+       writel(config, &reg->cnfg);

We really should put that into a lilbrary function, probably along with the definition of things like I2C_SEND_2_BYTES (or make some more helper functions to hide that too).

+void pmic_enable_cpu_vdd(void)
+       debug("%s entry\n", __func__);
+        //from TegraShell init script: Set GPIO5 to drive CPU_REG_EN
+        //                              then 1.0V on ???

I don't think we should mention internal tool names in upstream source.

+        debug("%s: Setting GPIO5 to push-pull out, logic high to enable CPU 
regulator\n", __func__);
+        tegra_i2c_ll_write_addr(MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, 2);
+        tegra_i2c_ll_write_data(0x2040, I2C_SEND_2_BYTES);      //data/reg
+        udelay(10*1000);

Need spaces around "*".

I'm not sure what "data/reg" means?

+        tegra_i2c_ll_write_addr(MAX77620_I2C_ADDR, 2);
+        tegra_i2c_ll_write_data(0x093B, I2C_SEND_2_BYTES);      //B3=1=logic 
+        udelay(10 * 1000);

Can we wrap that put that comment on a separate line, since it's rather long. I don't think U-Boot likes // comments.

Does this patch pass checkpatch?

diff --git a/board/nvidia/p2571/pinmux-config-p2571.h 

I think I generated this a long time ago. I'd like to get this into tegra-pinmux-scripts, and make sure we're pulling in data from the latest board spreadsheet, before we commit this. I'll look into that today.
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