Le lundi 15 juin 2015 à 08:59 -0600, Stephen Warren a écrit :
> On 06/13/2015 02:38 AM, Paul Kocialkowski wrote:
> > This introduces the part start and part size sub-commands. The purpose of 
> > these
> > is to store the start block and size of a partition in a variable, given the
> > device and partition number.
> >
> > This allows reading raw data that fits a single partition more easily.
> > For instance, this could be used to figure out the start block and size of a
> > kernel partition when a partition table is present, given the partition 
> > number.
> Patches 1 and 2,
> Acked-by: Stephen Warren <swar...@nvidia.com>
> One minor comment here though:
> > diff --git a/common/cmd_part.c b/common/cmd_part.c
> > +static int do_part_start(int argc, char * const argv[])
> > +   if (argc < 4)
> > +           return CMD_RET_USAGE;
> ...
> > +   snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "0x%lx", info.start);
> > +   setenv(argv[3], buf);
> It would be nice if the variable name parameter to this command (and 
> part size) were optional, just like it is in "part uuid". This would 
> make it simpler to run the command interactively while experimenting.

Sure, that wouldn't hurt!

Thanks for the review.

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