Hi Simon,

> >> I am using xterm, not sure if this helps.
> >>
> >> $ echo $TERM
> >> xterm
> >
> > That is what I have too.  I guess it might be down to the way
> SecureCRT is interpreting what it is being sent rather than the Linux
> machine itself.
> You might be able to set that terminal program to support 'xterm'
> emulation, or perhaps change TERM to whatever it does support.

I have figured this bit out...  By default the terminal emulation in SecureCRT 
is set to strip the 8th bit of the data it receives.  Having set it to use the 
8th bit and also to interpret things with UTF-8 encoding all is good with the 

Turns out that they aren't commands for bold/bright as I thought, they are in 
fact the leading and trailing single quotes around the error.

Now to try and fix the issue with the code not building...



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