From: Karl Apsite <>

Added FIT_LOADABLE_PROP, so the user can identify an optional entry
named "loadables" in their .its configuration. "loadables" is a comma
separated list in the .its

Documentation can be found in doc/uImage.FIT/source_file_format.txt and

Signed-off-by: Karl Apsite <>

Changes in v3:
- Moved the documentation about the loadables field from the commit
  message, to a new example.its file in doc/uImage.FIT/

 common/image-fit.c                      | 17 +++++++
 doc/uImage.FIT/multi-with-loadables.its | 89 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/uImage.FIT/source_file_format.txt   |  4 ++
 include/image.h                         |  1 +
 4 files changed, 111 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 doc/uImage.FIT/multi-with-loadables.its

diff --git a/common/image-fit.c b/common/image-fit.c
index 4eb4d42..fc9ea1f 100644
--- a/common/image-fit.c
+++ b/common/image-fit.c
@@ -1436,6 +1436,7 @@ void fit_conf_print(const void *fit, int noffset, const 
char *p)
        char *desc;
        char *uname;
        int ret;
+       int loadables_index;
        /* Mandatory properties */
        ret = fit_get_desc(fit, noffset, &desc);
@@ -1460,6 +1461,22 @@ void fit_conf_print(const void *fit, int noffset, const 
char *p)
        uname = (char *)fdt_getprop(fit, noffset, FIT_FDT_PROP, NULL);
        if (uname)
                printf("%s  FDT:          %s\n", p, uname);
+       /* Print out all of the specified loadables */
+       for (loadables_index = 0;
+            !fdt_get_string_index(fit, noffset,
+                       FIT_LOADABLE_PROP,
+                       loadables_index,
+                       (const char **)&uname) > 0;
+            loadables_index++)
+       {
+               if (loadables_index == 0) {
+                       printf("%s  Loadables:    ", p);
+               } else {
+                       printf("%s                ", p);
+               }
+               printf("%s\n", uname);
+       }
 static int fit_image_select(const void *fit, int rd_noffset, int verify)
diff --git a/doc/uImage.FIT/multi-with-loadables.its 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9baffa6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/uImage.FIT/multi-with-loadables.its
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * U-boot uImage source file with multiple kernels, ramdisks and FDT blobs
+ * This example makes use of the 'loadables' field
+ */
+/ {
+       description = "Configuration to load a Xen Kernel";
+       #address-cells = <1>;
+       images {
+               xen_kernel@1 {
+                       description = "xen binary";
+                       data = /incbin/("./xen");
+                       type = "kernel";
+                       arch = "arm";
+                       os = "linux";
+                       compression = "none";
+                       load = <0xa0000000>;
+                       entry = <0xa0000000>;
+                       hash@1 {
+                               algo = "md5";
+                       };
+               };
+               fdt@1 {
+                       description = "xexpress-ca15 tree blob";
+                       data = /incbin/("./vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1.dtb");
+                       type = "flat_dt";
+                       arch = "arm";
+                       compression = "none";
+                       load = <0xb0000000>;
+                       hash@1 {
+                               algo = "md5";
+                       };
+               };
+               fdt@2 {
+                       description = "xexpress-ca15 tree blob";
+                       data = /incbin/("./vexpress-v2p-ca15-tc1.dtb");
+                       type = "flat_dt";
+                       arch = "arm";
+                       compression = "none";
+                       load = <0xb0400000>;
+                       hash@1 {
+                               algo = "md5";
+                       };
+               };
+               linux_kernel@1 {
+                       description = "Linux Image";
+                       data = /incbin/("./Image");
+                       type = "kernel";
+                       arch = "arm";
+                       os = "linux";
+                       compression = "none";
+                       load = <0xa0000000>;
+                       entry = <0xa0000000>;
+                       hash@1 {
+                               algo = "md5";
+                       };
+               };
+       };
+       configurations {
+               default = "config@2";
+               config@1 {
+                       description = "Just plain Linux";
+                       kernel = "linux_kernel@1";
+                       fdt = "fdt@1";
+               };
+               config@2 {
+                       description = "Xen one loadable";
+                       kernel = "xen_kernel@1";
+                       fdt = "fdt@1";
+                       loadables = "linux_kernel@1";
+               };
+               config@3 {
+                       description = "Xen two loadables";
+                       kernel = "xen_kernel@1";
+                       fdt = "fdt@1";
+                       loadables = "linux_kernel@1", "fdt@2";
+               };
+       };
diff --git a/doc/uImage.FIT/source_file_format.txt 
index 427ea49..004acd1 100644
--- a/doc/uImage.FIT/source_file_format.txt
+++ b/doc/uImage.FIT/source_file_format.txt
@@ -235,6 +235,7 @@ o config@1
   |- kernel = "kernel sub-node unit name"
   |- ramdisk = "ramdisk sub-node unit name"
   |- fdt = "fdt sub-node unit-name"
+  |- loadables = "loadables sub-node unit-name"
   Mandatory properties:
@@ -249,6 +250,9 @@ o config@1
     "fdt type").
   - setup : Unit name of the corresponding setup binary (used for booting
     an x86 kernel). This contains the setup.bin file built by the kernel.
+  - loadables : Unit name containing a list of additional binaries to be 
loaded at
+    their given locations.  "loadables" is a comma-separated list of strings.
+    u-boot will load each binary at its given start-address.
 The FDT blob is required to properly boot FDT based kernel, so the minimal
 configuration for 2.6 FDT kernel is (kernel, fdt) pair.
diff --git a/include/image.h b/include/image.h
index 60b924a..97b96b3 100644
--- a/include/image.h
+++ b/include/image.h
@@ -742,6 +742,7 @@ int bootz_setup(ulong image, ulong *start, ulong *end);
 #define FIT_KERNEL_PROP                "kernel"
 #define FIT_RAMDISK_PROP       "ramdisk"
 #define FIT_FDT_PROP           "fdt"
+#define FIT_LOADABLE_PROP      "loadables"
 #define FIT_DEFAULT_PROP       "default"
 #define FIT_SETUP_PROP         "setup"

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