I made a pass at some of the configs that seem to be less straightforward
in the include configs. Especially the environment location a number of
boards select based on other variables. Blackfin even has its own
bootmode variable that it keys off of. This is of course simply set for
each board, so the actual resulting value is still singular per board.

How much of this sort of selection do we want to retain on these boards
vs. just resolving to what it ends up being for each board (which is
what tools/moveconfig.py does)?

Joe Hershberger (8):
  Add env persist location to Kconfig
  Move env location selection from include to defconfig
  Add RBTREE to Kconfig
  Add CMD_UBI to Kconfig
  Add decompression to Kconfig
  Add CMD_UBIFS to Kconfig
  Move compression and UBI from include to defconfig
  Move setexpr to Kconfig

 common/Kconfig                                     | 126 +++++++++++++++++++++
 configs/A10-OLinuXino-Lime_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/A10s-OLinuXino-M_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/A13-OLinuXinoM_defconfig                   |   2 +
 configs/A13-OLinuXino_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/A20-OLinuXino-Lime2_defconfig              |   2 +
 configs/A20-OLinuXino-Lime_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/A20-OLinuXino_MICRO_defconfig              |   2 +
 configs/Ainol_AW1_defconfig                        |   2 +
 configs/Ampe_A76_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/Astar_MID756_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/Auxtek-T004_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/B4420QDS_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/B4420QDS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/B4420QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/B4860QDS_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/B4860QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/B4860QDS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/B4860QDS_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig          |   2 +
 configs/B4860QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/BSC9131RDB_NAND_SYSCLK100_defconfig        |   2 +
 configs/BSC9131RDB_NAND_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/BSC9131RDB_SPIFLASH_SYSCLK100_defconfig    |   2 +
 configs/BSC9131RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig              |   2 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NAND_DDRCLK100_SECURE_defconfig |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NAND_DDRCLK100_defconfig        |   2 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NAND_DDRCLK133_SECURE_defconfig |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NAND_DDRCLK133_defconfig        |   2 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NOR_DDRCLK100_SECURE_defconfig  |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NOR_DDRCLK100_defconfig         |   2 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NOR_DDRCLK133_SECURE_defconfig  |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_NOR_DDRCLK133_defconfig         |   2 +
 .../BSC9132QDS_SDCARD_DDRCLK100_SECURE_defconfig   |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_SDCARD_DDRCLK100_defconfig      |   2 +
 .../BSC9132QDS_SDCARD_DDRCLK133_SECURE_defconfig   |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_SDCARD_DDRCLK133_defconfig      |   2 +
 .../BSC9132QDS_SPIFLASH_DDRCLK100_SECURE_defconfig |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_SPIFLASH_DDRCLK100_defconfig    |   2 +
 .../BSC9132QDS_SPIFLASH_DDRCLK133_SECURE_defconfig |   1 +
 configs/BSC9132QDS_SPIFLASH_DDRCLK133_defconfig    |   2 +
 configs/Bananapi_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/Bananapro_defconfig                        |   2 +
 configs/C29XPCIE_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/C29XPCIE_NOR_SECBOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/C29XPCIE_SPIFLASH_SECBOOT_defconfig        |   1 +
 configs/C29XPCIE_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/C29XPCIE_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/CPCI2DP_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/CPCI4052_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/CSQ_CS908_defconfig                        |   2 +
 configs/Chuwi_V7_CW0825_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/Colombus_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/Cubieboard2_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/Cubieboard_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/Cubietruck_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/Hummingbird_A31_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/Hyundai_A7HD_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/Ippo_q8h_v1_2_a33_1024x600_defconfig       |   2 +
 configs/Ippo_q8h_v1_2_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/Ippo_q8h_v5_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/Linksprite_pcDuino3_Nano_defconfig         |   2 +
 configs/Linksprite_pcDuino3_defconfig              |   2 +
 configs/Linksprite_pcDuino_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/M5208EVBE_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M52277EVB_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M52277EVB_stmicro_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/M5235EVB_Flash32_defconfig                 |   1 +
 configs/M5235EVB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5249EVB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5253DEMO_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M5253EVBE_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M5272C3_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/M5275EVB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5282EVB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M53017EVB_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M5329AFEE_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M5329BFEE_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M5373EVB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M54418TWR_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M54418TWR_serial_mii_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/M54418TWR_serial_rmii_defconfig            |   1 +
 configs/M54451EVB_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M54451EVB_stmicro_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/M54455EVB_a66_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/M54455EVB_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/M54455EVB_i66_defconfig                    |   1 +
 configs/M54455EVB_intel_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/M54455EVB_stm33_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/M5475AFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5475BFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5475CFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5475DFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5475EFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5475FFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5475GFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5485AFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5485BFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5485CFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5485DFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5485EFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5485FFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5485GFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/M5485HFE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/MIP405T_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/MIP405_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/MK808C_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/MPC8308RDB_defconfig                       |   1 +
 configs/MPC8313ERDB_33_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/MPC8313ERDB_66_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/MPC8313ERDB_NAND_33_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/MPC8313ERDB_NAND_66_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/MPC8315ERDB_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/MPC8323ERDB_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/MPC832XEMDS_ATM_defconfig                  |   1 +
 configs/MPC832XEMDS_HOST_33_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/MPC832XEMDS_HOST_66_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/MPC832XEMDS_SLAVE_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/MPC832XEMDS_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/MPC8349EMDS_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/MPC8349ITXGP_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/MPC8349ITX_LOWBOOT_defconfig               |   1 +
 configs/MPC837XEMDS_HOST_defconfig                 |   1 +
 configs/MPC837XEMDS_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/MPC837XERDB_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/MPC8536DS_36BIT_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/MPC8536DS_SDCARD_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/MPC8536DS_SPIFLASH_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/MPC8536DS_defconfig                        |   2 +
 configs/MPC8540ADS_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/MPC8541CDS_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/MPC8541CDS_legacy_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/MPC8544DS_defconfig                        |   2 +
 configs/MPC8548CDS_36BIT_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/MPC8548CDS_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/MPC8548CDS_legacy_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/MPC8555CDS_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/MPC8555CDS_legacy_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/MPC8560ADS_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/MPC8568MDS_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/MPC8569MDS_ATM_defconfig                   |   2 +
 configs/MPC8569MDS_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/MPC8572DS_36BIT_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/MPC8572DS_defconfig                        |   2 +
 configs/MPC8610HPCD_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/MPC8641HPCN_36BIT_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/MPC8641HPCN_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/MSI_Primo73_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/MSI_Primo81_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/Marsboard_A10_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/Mele_A1000_defconfig                       |   2 +
 configs/Mele_I7_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/Mele_M3_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/Mele_M5_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/Mele_M9_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/MigoR_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/Mini-X_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/MiniFAP_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/O2D300_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/O2DNT2_RAMBOOT_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/O2DNT2_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/O2D_defconfig                              |   2 +
 configs/O2MNT_O2M110_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/O2MNT_O2M112_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/O2MNT_O2M113_defconfig                     |   1 +
 configs/O2MNT_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/O3DNT_defconfig                            |   1 +
 configs/Orangepi_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/Orangepi_mini_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_36BIT_NAND_SECBOOT_defconfig   |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_36BIT_NAND_defconfig           |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_36BIT_NOR_SECBOOT_defconfig    |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_36BIT_NOR_defconfig            |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig         |   2 +
 .../P1010RDB-PA_36BIT_SPIFLASH_SECBOOT_defconfig   |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_36BIT_SPIFLASH_defconfig       |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_NAND_SECBOOT_defconfig         |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_NAND_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_NOR_SECBOOT_defconfig          |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_NOR_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_SDCARD_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_SPIFLASH_SECBOOT_defconfig     |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PA_SPIFLASH_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_36BIT_NAND_SECBOOT_defconfig   |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_36BIT_NAND_defconfig           |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_36BIT_NOR_SECBOOT_defconfig    |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_36BIT_NOR_defconfig            |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig         |   2 +
 .../P1010RDB-PB_36BIT_SPIFLASH_SECBOOT_defconfig   |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_36BIT_SPIFLASH_defconfig       |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_NAND_SECBOOT_defconfig         |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_NAND_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_NOR_SECBOOT_defconfig          |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_NOR_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_SDCARD_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_SPIFLASH_SECBOOT_defconfig     |   1 +
 configs/P1010RDB-PB_SPIFLASH_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/P1020MBG-PC_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig         |   2 +
 configs/P1020MBG-PC_36BIT_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/P1020MBG-PC_SDCARD_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/P1020MBG-PC_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PC_36BIT_NAND_defconfig           |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PC_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig         |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PC_36BIT_SPIFLASH_defconfig       |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PC_36BIT_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PC_NAND_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PC_SDCARD_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PC_SPIFLASH_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PC_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PD_NAND_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PD_SDCARD_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PD_SPIFLASH_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/P1020RDB-PD_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/P1020UTM-PC_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig         |   2 +
 configs/P1020UTM-PC_36BIT_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/P1020UTM-PC_SDCARD_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/P1020UTM-PC_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/P1021RDB-PC_36BIT_NAND_defconfig           |   2 +
 configs/P1021RDB-PC_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig         |   2 +
 configs/P1021RDB-PC_36BIT_SPIFLASH_defconfig       |   2 +
 configs/P1021RDB-PC_36BIT_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/P1021RDB-PC_NAND_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/P1021RDB-PC_SDCARD_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/P1021RDB-PC_SPIFLASH_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/P1021RDB-PC_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/P1022DS_36BIT_NAND_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/P1022DS_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/P1022DS_36BIT_SPIFLASH_defconfig           |   2 +
 configs/P1022DS_36BIT_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/P1022DS_NAND_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/P1022DS_SDCARD_defconfig                   |   2 +
 configs/P1022DS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/P1022DS_defconfig                          |   2 +
 configs/P1023RDB_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/P1024RDB_36BIT_defconfig                   |   2 +
 configs/P1024RDB_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/P1024RDB_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/P1024RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/P1024RDB_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/P1025RDB_36BIT_defconfig                   |   2 +
 configs/P1025RDB_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/P1025RDB_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/P1025RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/P1025RDB_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_36BIT_NAND_defconfig           |   2 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_36BIT_SDCARD_defconfig         |   2 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_36BIT_SPIFLASH_defconfig       |   2 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_36BIT_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_NAND_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_SDCARD_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_SPIFLASH_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/P2020RDB-PC_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/P2041RDB_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/P2041RDB_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/P2041RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/P2041RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/P2041RDB_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig          |   2 +
 configs/P2041RDB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/P3041DS_NAND_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/P3041DS_SDCARD_defconfig                   |   2 +
 configs/P3041DS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/P3041DS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/P3041DS_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig           |   2 +
 configs/P3041DS_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/P4080DS_SDCARD_defconfig                   |   2 +
 configs/P4080DS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/P4080DS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/P4080DS_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig           |   2 +
 configs/P4080DS_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/P5020DS_NAND_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/P5020DS_SDCARD_defconfig                   |   2 +
 configs/P5020DS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/P5020DS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/P5020DS_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig           |   2 +
 configs/P5020DS_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/P5040DS_NAND_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/P5040DS_SDCARD_defconfig                   |   2 +
 configs/P5040DS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig              |   1 +
 configs/P5040DS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/P5040DS_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/PATI_defconfig                             |   1 +
 configs/PIP405_defconfig                           |   2 +
 configs/PLU405_defconfig                           |   3 +
 configs/PMC405DE_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/PMC440_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/T1023RDB_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/T1023RDB_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/T1023RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T1023RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/T1023RDB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_D4_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig          |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/T1024QDS_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/T1024QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T1024QDS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/T1024QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T1024RDB_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/T1024RDB_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/T1024RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T1024RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/T1024RDB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T1040QDS_D4_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/T1040QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T1040QDS_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/T1040RDB_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/T1040RDB_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/T1040RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T1040RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/T1040RDB_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/T1042RDB_PI_NAND_defconfig                 |   2 +
 configs/T1042RDB_PI_SDCARD_defconfig               |   2 +
 configs/T1042RDB_PI_SPIFLASH_defconfig             |   2 +
 configs/T1042RDB_PI_defconfig                      |   2 +
 configs/T1042RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T1042RDB_defconfig                         |   2 +
 configs/T2080QDS_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/T2080QDS_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/T2080QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T2080QDS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/T2080QDS_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig          |   2 +
 configs/T2080QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T2080RDB_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/T2080RDB_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/T2080RDB_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T2080RDB_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/T2080RDB_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig          |   2 +
 configs/T2080RDB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T2081QDS_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/T2081QDS_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/T2081QDS_SPIFLASH_defconfig                |   2 +
 configs/T2081QDS_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig          |   2 +
 configs/T2081QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T4160QDS_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/T4160QDS_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/T4160QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T4160QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T4160RDB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T4240QDS_NAND_defconfig                    |   2 +
 configs/T4240QDS_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/T4240QDS_SECURE_BOOT_defconfig             |   1 +
 configs/T4240QDS_SRIO_PCIE_BOOT_defconfig          |   2 +
 configs/T4240QDS_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/T4240RDB_SDCARD_defconfig                  |   2 +
 configs/T4240RDB_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/TQM5200S_HIGHBOOT_defconfig                |   1 +
 configs/TQM5200S_defconfig                         |   1 +
 configs/TQM5200_B_HIGHBOOT_defconfig               |   1 +
 configs/TQM5200_B_defconfig                        |   1 +
 configs/TQM5200_STK100_defconfig                   |   1 +
 configs/TQM5200_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM823L_LCD_defconfig                      |   1 +
 configs/TQM823L_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM823M_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM834x_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM850L_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM850M_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM855L_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM855M_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM860L_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM860M_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM862L_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM862M_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM866M_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TQM885D_defconfig                          |   1 +
 configs/TTTech_defconfig                           |   1 +
 configs/TWR-P1025_defconfig                        |   2 +
 configs/TZX-Q8-713B7_defconfig                     |   2 +
 configs/UCP1020_SPIFLASH_defconfig                 |   2 +
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 1547 files changed, 1757 insertions(+), 1138 deletions(-)


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