On Jul 6, 2009, at 5:55 AM, Wolfgang Denk wrote:

> Medium term goal:
>        Analyze which parts of U-Boot are implemented  by  GPLv2-only
>        code, and evaluate options to convert these into GPLv2+later.
> Long term goal:
>       Move U-Boot to GPLv3.

Its not clear if you've decided that u-boot will move to GPLv3 or  
not.  If you haven't how will that decision be made?  Will we vote as  
a community with some bias given to how much one has contributed?   
Will you just decide?

I ask because its my understanding from internal Freescale discussions  
(from the PPC group) that its Freescale's preference to stick with  
GPLv2.  What Freescale will decide to do if the decision is to move to  
GPLv3 is not clear at this point.

- k
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