
>>>> Magnus Lilja <lilja.mag...@gmail.com> 08.07.09 17.42 Uhr >>>
> Hi
> You should define CONFIG_SKIP_LOWLEVEL_INIT since redboot has already
> setup the SDRAM. If you load U-boot to the address it's set up to
> execute from you should also define CONFIG_SKIP_RELOCATE_UBOOT.

> It's been a long while since I used redboot to start u-boot (on the
> i.MX31 PDK) so I don't remember the correct redboot command but make
> sure the MMU is off when jumping to U-Boot.

> Regards, Magnus

I made the defines you mentioned above and build the image with make 
mx31guf_config (it's quite similar to the PDK board). Then I loaded the 
resulting u-boot.bin to 0x81000000 and tried to "run 0x81000000". The "run" 
command is with caches and MMU tured off.
I get absolutely no output on the console and I have to reset the board.
What could be the problem? How can I debug this?

Thanks a lot for your help.
Best Regards
Ulrich Gerster
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