Ian Campbell writes:

> On Wed, 2015-04-29 at 17:02 +0200, Daniel Kochmański wrote:
>> diff --git a/board/sunxi/Kconfig b/board/sunxi/Kconfig
>> index 88e3358..1a30684 100644
>> --- a/board/sunxi/Kconfig
>> +++ b/board/sunxi/Kconfig
>> @@ -239,6 +239,18 @@ config MMC_SUNXI_SLOT_EXTRA
>>      slot or emmc on mmc1 - mmc3. Setting this to 1, 2 or 3 will enable
>>      support for this.
>> +    bool "SPL/NAND mode support"
>> +    depends on SPL
>> +    default n
>> +    ---help---
>> +      This enables support for booting from NAND internal
>> +      memory. U-Boot SPL doesn't detect where is it load from,
>> +      therefore this option is needed to properly load image from
>> +      flash. Option also disables MMC functionality on U-Boot due to
>> +      initialization errors encountered, when both controllers are
>> +      enabled.
> Is this last bit a bug in the s/w or a hardware thing? Does this mean
> that MMC is not available in the main u-boot image too when NAND support
> is enabled?

I'm not sure what is a reason, but controller can't initialize MMC when
SPL is loaded. MMC works in main u-boot allowing to boot from it and
perform any other option (rescan, part, info, etc.). It is only SPL
>> +
>>  config USB0_VBUS_PIN
>>      string "Vbus enable pin for usb0 (otg)"
>>      default ""
>> diff --git a/board/sunxi/Makefile b/board/sunxi/Makefile
>> index 43766e0..7ad7412 100644
>> --- a/board/sunxi/Makefile
>> +++ b/board/sunxi/Makefile
>> @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
>>  # SPDX-License-Identifier:  GPL-2.0+
>>  #
>>  obj-y       += board.o
>> +obj-$(CONFIG_NAND_SUNXI)    += nand.o
> CONFIG_SUNXI_NAND would be more consistent with the rest I think.

>>  obj-$(CONFIG_SUNXI_GMAC)    += gmac.o
>>  obj-$(CONFIG_SUNXI_AHCI)    += ahci.o
>> +void nand_set_clocks(void)
>> +{
>> +    W32(PORTC_BASE + 0x48, 0x22222222);
> u-boot style is to declare a struct which matches the register layout
> and to do something like:
>         struct nand_ctrl_foo *mcf = (void *)NANCFLASHC_BASE;
> And use writel, set_bits, setclr_bits and friends.

OK, I'll read about it and try to adjust driver.
> Please also try and give sensible names to all the magic numbers, or at
> least include a comment explaining that these are magic numbers derived
> from $SOMEWHERE and we don't know what they mean (if that is the case).
> Both of these apply to several bits of the code too.

This work is mainly based on register guess-work from here:
http://rhombus-tech.net/allwinner_a10/A10_register_guide/A10_NAND/ - so
I can gather names from there and put them in source.
>> +    W32(PORTC_BASE + 0x4C, 0x22222222);
>> +    W32(PORTC_BASE + 0x50, 0x2222222);
>> +    W32(PORTC_BASE + 0x54, 0x2);
>> +    W32(PORTC_BASE + 0x5C, 0x55555555);
>> +    W32(PORTC_BASE + 0x60, 0x15555);
>> +    W32(PORTC_BASE + 0x64, 0x5140);
>> +    W32(PORTC_BASE + 0x68, 0x4016);
>> +
>> +    uint32_t val = R32(CCMU_BASE + 0x60);
>> +    W32(CCMU_BASE + 0x60, 0x2000 | val);
>> +    val = R32(CCMU_BASE + 0x80);
>> +    W32(CCMU_BASE + 0x80, val | 0x80000000 | 0x1);
>> +}
>> +
>> +int initialized = 0;
>> +void nand_init(void)
>> +{
>> +    initialized = 1;
> Please call this from somewhere during init e.g. board.c rather than
> from nand_read with a latch.

>> +    uint32_t val;
>> +    nand_set_clocks();
>> +    val = R32(NANDFLASHC_BASE + 0x00);
>> +    /* CTL = (1<<0 <-EN    1<<1 RESET) */
>> +    W32(NANDFLASHC_BASE + 0x00, val | 0x3); /* enable and reset CTL */
>> +    do {
>> +            val = R32(NANDFLASHC_BASE + 0x00);
>> +            if (val & (1<<1))
>> +                    break;
>> +    } while (1);
> Potentially infinite loop?
> There were some similar instances below which had a t/o. Perhaps combine
> them all into a helper similar to the dram code's
> mctl_await_completion()?

Ok, I'll look into that.
>> +uint32_t ecc_errors = 0;
>> +
>> +/* read 0x400 bytes from real_addr to temp_buf */
>> +void nand_read_block(unsigned int real_addr, int syndrome)
>> +{
>> +    uint32_t val;
>> +    if (!initialized)
>> +            nand_init();
>> +
>> +    memset((void *)temp_buf, 0, 0x400); /* clear temp_buf */
> Can we not avoid going via this global temp_buf by setting DMAC_BASE +
> 0x308 to the correct address on each read?

I'll check this, I think I had problems with that, but if it works w/o
temp_buf on both SPL and main U-Boot builds, then I'll get rid of it.
> Ian.

Daniel Kochmański | Poznań, Poland
;; aka jackdaniel

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