Hi Fei,

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 7:36 AM, WANG FEI <wangfei.ji...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Meng Bin,
> I remember few weeks I've built a u-boot binary for Galileo, but I remember
> the generated u-boot.bin is not 256/512/1024/2048K, it possible is about
> 384K, is it correct? I want to use the u-boot you built as a reference.

No, it should be 1MB. Did you turn on BUILD_ROM as documented in README.x86?

> I've successfully built a coreboot image with CAR enabled, console function
> only enabled partly due to some issue, it looks the "va_arg" in printf() has
> something wrong, I guess it's a compiler issue - maybe Quark SoC does not
> support some special instruments. Did you get the similar issue when porting
> u-boot?

The Quark integrates a CPU which has the 486 ISA. What compiler flag
did you pass when you build coreboot?

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