On Jul 8, 2009, at 9:30 AM, Peter Tyser wrote:

> On Wed, 2009-07-08 at 09:07 -0500, Kumar Gala wrote:
>> Peter,
>> Also, I'm not seeing anyone defining CONFIG_DDR_ECC_INIT_VIA_DMA for
>> 83xx.  I don't see any reason not to use DMA on 83xx.
> When I submitted the original patch I didn't see any 83xx boards using
> It didn't look like the 83xx platform supported the
> CONFIG_ECC_INIT_VIA_DDRCONTROLLER option at all, although some 83xx
> boards make reference to !CONFIG_DDR_ECC_INIT_VIA_DMA.
> I don't have any 83xx boards to test on and am not that familiar with
> the 83xx so I didn't look into fixing the inconsistencies.  In a  
> perfect
> world CONFIG_ECC_INIT_VIA_DDRCONTROLLER would be enabled for all 83xx
> cpus that supported it, and the DMA init would be the default.
> I'd be happy to send a patch to change the 83xx arch to use DMA to
> initialize ECC when !CONFIG_ECC_INIT_VIA_DDRCONTROLLER if someone else
> will test.  Do all 83xx CPUs have the Elo DMA controller DMA engine?

Yes, all 83xx's have Elo DMA controller.

- k
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