
   Trying to run the u-boot for taihu board within qemu.  but i get some error.

    I am using  u-boot-latest and qemu-1.6.1.  

   make distclean
   make mrproper
   make ARCH=powerpc CROSS_COMPILE=/tools/bin/powerpc-linux-   taihu_defconfig
   make ARCH=powerpc CROSS_COMPILE=/tools/bin/powerpc-linux-
  dd if=/dev/zero of=flash.img bs=1M count=512
  dd if=u-boot.bin of=flash.img conv=notrunc
  qemu-system-ppc -M taihu -m 200 -nographic -pflash flash.img
  then i get 
   taihu_405ep_init: register cpu
   ppc4xx_opba_init: offset 00000000ef600600
   ppc405_gpio_init: offset 00000000ef600700
   ppc4xx_gpt_init: offset 00000000ef600000
   taihu_405ep_init: register BIOS
  Load BIOS from file
  taihu_405ep_init: register CPLD
  taihu_405ep_init: Done
  OCM update ISA 00000000 00000000 (00000000 00000000) DSA 00000000 00000000 
(00000000 00000000)
  Setup PPC405EP clocks - sysclk 33333333 VCO 0 PLL out 33333333 Hz
  CPU 33333333 PLB 16666666 OPB 8333333 EBC 8333333 MAL 8333333 PCI 16666666 
UART0 260416 UART1 260416
  qemu: fatal: Trying to execute code outside RAM or ROM at 0x00000700
   How can I solve the error?
  Your feedback would help me a lot.

 Thanks in advance,
 Yours sincerely,
 Yanzhao Feng 


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