Hi Nikhil,

> We need to buy a MPC8572 development board for application prototyping. 
> We are located in the US. From what I've found the following companies 
> sell an MPC8572 board:
> 1) Micetek
> 2) Embeddedplanet.com
> 3) Freescale
> 4) Xes-inc
> Are there any other companies that sell an MPC8572 board? We are 
> interested in platforms that are most compatible with UBoot and ELDK.

There may be a few others (Emerson Network Power?) but I'm not familiar
with them.  At this point, only Freescale and XES's MPC8572-based boards
are supported in mainline U-Boot and Linux (XES's boards will be in
2.6.31).  I imagine the other vendors use U-Boot as well, they just
haven't submitted their code back upstream.  Legally, they'd have to
give you the source code with the development board you purchased.

I believe ELDK's ppc_85xxDP packages should support any MPC8572-based
board.  I also believe the latest DENX kernel supports Freescale's
MPC8572 reference boards out of the box.  I'm not all that familiar with
the ELDK, so take the above with a grain of salt.

I work at XES so feel free to contact me if you have any interest in our
MPC8572 products and I can put you in contact with the the proper


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