Dear Thierry,

In message <> you 
> This is mostly useful for debugging the early boot process. Often boards
> can provide some low-level code that outputs a character on some debug
> port prior to passing the early setup code. Allow boards to implement an
> early_putc() function that will be used to redirect printf() and friends
> to this debug port until the proper console becomes ready.

Hm... it is one of the basic design principles of U-Boot to provide
debug output on the console as soon as possible.  It should be the
primary purpose of low level initialization to enable console output,
before anything else.

Now you say, you have output even before that - this aears to be a
contradiction to me.  If you can output characters, then use this as
your console.  I feel we should not need any special configuration
options to do what we should do anyway.

Or am I missing somthing?

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

DENX Software Engineering GmbH,      Managing Director: Wolfgang Denk
HRB 165235 Munich, Office: Kirchenstr.5, D-82194 Groebenzell, Germany
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email:
Ein weiser Herrscher kann in einem großen Land  mehr  Gutes  bewirken
als  in  einem kleinen - ein dummer Herrscher aber auch viel mehr Un-
fug. Da weise Herrscher seltener sind als dumme, war ich schon  immer
gegen große Reiche skeptisch.                   - Herbert Rosendorfer
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