Sometimes, for example if the display is mounted in portrait mode or even if it

mounted landscape but rotated by 180 degree, we need to rotate our content of
the display respectively the framebuffer, so that user can read the messages who
are printed out.

For this we introduce the feature called "CONFIG_LCD_ROTATION", this may be
defined in the board-configuration if needed. After this the lcd_console will
be initialized with a given rotation from "vl_rot" out of "vidinfo_t" which is
provided by the board specific code.

If CONFIG_LCD_ROTATION is not defined, the console will be initialized with
0 degrees rotation - the screen behaves like the days before.

Patch 1-3 make preparations to the code.
Patch 4 implements the new feature

Hannes Petermaier (4):
  common/lcd_console: cleanup lcd_drawchars/lcd_putc_xy
  common/lcd_console: ask only one-time for bg/fg-color per call
  common/lcd_console: move single static variables into common (static)
  common/lcd_console: introduce display/framebuffer rotation

 README                |   17 +++
 common/lcd.c          |   22 +--
 common/lcd_console.c  |  395 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 include/lcd.h         |    1 +
 include/lcd_console.h |    9 +-
 5 files changed, 334 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)


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