
On 3 March 2015 at 09:24, Przemyslaw Marczak <p.marc...@samsung.com> wrote:
> Signed-off-by: Przemyslaw Marczak <p.marc...@samsung.com>
> ---
> Changes v2:
> - update documentation with the framework api changes
> ---
>  doc/driver-model/dm-pmic-framework.txt | 367 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  1 file changed, 367 insertions(+)
>  create mode 100644 doc/driver-model/dm-pmic-framework.txt
> diff --git a/doc/driver-model/dm-pmic-framework.txt 
> b/doc/driver-model/dm-pmic-framework.txt
> new file mode 100644
> index 0000000..f2fb4ac
> --- /dev/null
> +++ b/doc/driver-model/dm-pmic-framework.txt
> @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
> +#
> +# (C) Copyright 2014-2015 Samsung Electronics
> +# Przemyslaw Marczak <p.marc...@samsung.com>
> +#
> +# SPDX-License-Identifier:      GPL-2.0+
> +#
> +
> +PMIC framework based on Driver Model
> +====================================
> +TOC:
> +1. Introduction
> +2. How does it work
> +3. Pmic driver api
> +4. Pmic driver
> +5. Pmic command
> +6. Regulator driver api
> +7. Design limitations
> +8. Regulator driver
> +9. Regulator command
> +
> +1. Introduction
> +===============
> +This is an introduction to driver-model multi uclass PMIC devices support.
> +At present it is based on two uclass types:
> +
> +- UCLASS_PMIC - basic uclass type for PMIC I/O, which provides common 
> read/write
> +                interface.
> +
> +- UCLASS_PMIC_REGULATOR - additional uclass type for specific PMIC features,
> +                          which are various voltage regulators.
> +
> +New files:
> +- drivers/power/pmic-uclass.c
> +- include/power/pmic.h
> +- drivers/power/regulator-uclass.c
> +- include/power/regulator.h
> +
> +Commands:
> +- drivers/power/cmd_pmic.c (pmic; regulator)
> +
> +2. How doees it work
> +====================
> +The Power Management Integrated Circuits (PMIC) are used in embedded systems
> +to provide stable, precise and specific voltage power source with 
> over-voltage
> +and thermal protection circuits.
> +
> +The single PMIC can provide various functionalities with single or multiple
> +interfaces, like in the example below.
> +
> +-- SoC
> + |
> + |            ______________________________________
> + | BUS 0     |       Multi interface PMIC IC        |--> LDO out 1
> + | e.g.I2C0  |                                      |--> LDO out N
> + |-----------|---- PMIC device 0 (READ/WRITE ops)   |
> + | or SPI0   |    |_ REGULATOR device (ldo/... ops) |--> BUCK out 1
> + |           |    |_ CHARGER device (charger ops)   |--> BUCK out M
> + |           |    |_ MUIC device (microUSB con ops) |
> + | BUS 1     |    |_ ...                            |---> BATTERY
> + | e.g.I2C1  |                                      |
> + |-----------|---- PMIC device 1 (READ/WRITE ops)   |---> USB in 1
> + . or SPI1   |    |_ RTC device (rtc ops)           |---> USB in 2
> + .           |______________________________________|---> USB out
> + .
> +
> +Since U-Boot provides driver model features for I2C and SPI bus drivers,
> +the PMIC devices should also support this. With the new basic uclass types
> +for PMIC I/O and regulator features, PMIC drivers can simply provide common
> +features, with multiple interface and instance support.
> +
> +Basic design assumptions:
> +
> +- Common I/O api - UCLASS_PMIC
> +The main assumption is to use UCLASS_PMIC device to provide I/O interface,
> +for devices other uclass types. It is no matter what is the type of device
> +physical I/O interface. Usually PMIC devices are using SPI or I2C interface,
> +but use of any other interface (e.g. when PMIC is not directly connected
> +to the SoC) - is now possible. Drivers can use the same read/write api.
> +
> +- Common regulator api - UCLASS_REGULATOR
> +For setting the attributes of verious types of regulators with common api,
> +this uclass can be implemented. This allows to drive the each regulator 
> output
> +value, on/off state and custom defined operation modes. It also provides the
> +user interface for all operations.
> +For the very simple implementation, the regulator drivers are not required,
> +so the code could base on pmic read/write only.
> +
> +When board device-tree file includes pmic subnode and the U_Boot compatible
> +driver exists, then the pmic device bind should looks like this:
> +
> +|_ root - will bind the device for I2C/SPI bus node
> +  |_ i2c/spi - should bind a device for pmic node
> +    |_ pmic (parent) - should bind child devices for its features
> +      |_ regulator (child)
> +      |_ charger   (child)
> +      |_ other     (child)
> +
> +Usually PMIC design provides:
> + - single I/O interface (single UCLASS_PMIC driver)
> +   Then UCLASS_PMIC device should be a parent of all pmic devices, where each
> +   is usually different uclass type, but need to access the same interface
> +
> + - multiple I/O interfaces (UCLASS_PMIC driver for each)
> +   For each interface the UCLASS_PMIC device should be a parent of only those
> +   devices (different uclass types), which needs to access the specified
> +   interface.
> +
> +3. Pmic driver api
> +===================
> +To use the pmic API, config: CONFIG_DM_PMIC is required.
> +The new driver API is very simple and is based on 'struct dm_pmic_ops',
> +which define two basic operations: device read and write.
> +
> +The platform data is introduced as 'struct pmic_platdata', to keep an info
> +about the device interface.
> +
> +The api is described in file: 'include/power/pmic.h'
> +
> +3.1 Getting the device:
> +- By name only - usefull if the name is unique, or only one pmic device 
> exists:
> +  int pmic_get(char *name, struct udevice **pmic);
> +
> +- By I2C or SPI bus number and chip address - when few pmic devices exists:
> +  int pmic_i2c_get(int bus, int addr, struct udevice **pmic)
> +  int pmic_spi_get(int bus, int cs, struct udevice **pmic);
> +
> +- To get the given PMIC/REGULATOR I/O dev by pmic platdata:
> +  int pmic_io_dev(struct udevice *pmic, struct udevice **pmic_io);
> +
> +3.2 Pmic platdata function calls - useful for pmic/regulator commands:
> +- Get the device interface type:
> +  int pmic_if_type(struct udevice *pmic);
> +
> +- Get the device interface bus number:
> +  int pmic_if_bus_num(struct udevice *pmic);
> +
> +- Get the device addres(I2C) or cs(SPI) on bus:
> +  int pmic_if_addr_cs(struct udevice *pmic);
> +
> +- Get the device max internal address offset:
> +  int pmic_if_max_offset(struct udevice *pmic);
> +
> +- Get the device interface name string:
> +  const char *pmic_if_str(struct udevice *pmic);
> +
> +3.3. Device I/O interface
> +Can be used with UCLASS_PMIC devices:
> +- Read the device 'reg':
> +  int pmic_read(struct udevice *pmic, unsigned reg, unsigned char *val);
> +
> +- Write to the device 'reg':
> +  int pmic_write(struct udevice *pmic, unsigned reg, unsigned char val);
> +
> +4. Pmic driver
> +============================
> +As an example of the pmic driver, please take a look into the MAX77686 driver
> +'drivers/power/pmic/max77686.c' and the description in 'include/power/pmic.h'
> +
> +The pmic driver can be defined by U_BOOT_DRIVER() macro:
> +
> +U_BOOT_DRIVER(pmic_max77686) = {
> +       .name = "max77686 pmic",
> +       .id = UCLASS_PMIC,
> +       .of_match = max77686_ids,     - Allows to bind by compatible
> +       .bind = max77686_bind,        - Function called at device bind
> +       .ops = &max77686_ops,         - Pmic api function calls
> +       .platdata_auto_alloc_size = sizeof(struct pmic_platdata),
> +};
> +
> +To bind the pmic device, field '.of_match' is required with proper 
> compatible.
> +To make the device useful with the pmic command, the driver must define
> +the size of platform data allocation size.
> +
> +Driver ops:
> +.read = max77686_read() - allows to use pmic_read()
> +.write = max77686_write() - allows to use pmic_write()
> +
> +Driver bind:
> +- max77686_bind(): is called on device bind and:
> +  - fills the platform data structure
> +  - bind MAX77686 regulator child device
> +
> +Note:
> +For the simply case, when regulator driver doesn't exists, the driver bind
> +method should only fill the platform data structure.
> +
> +5. Pmic command
> +===============
> +To use the pmic command, config: CONFIG_DM_PMIC_CMD is required.
> +The new pmic command allows to:
> +- list pmic devices
> +- choose the current device (like the mmc command)
> +- read or write the pmic register
> +- dump all pmic registers
> +
> +The pmic platform data is mandatory to use this command with devices.
> +This command can use only UCLASS_PMIC devices, since this uclass is designed
> +for pmic I/O operations only.
> +
> +Command options (pmic [option]):
> +- list                     - list available PMICs
> +- dev <id>                 - set id to current pmic device
> +- pmic dump                - dump registers
> +- pmic read <reg>          - read register
> +- pmic write <reg> <value> - write register
> +
> +Example of usage:
> +# pmic list           - chose one dev Id, e.g. 3
> +# pmic dev 0          - set dev 0 as current device
> +# pmic dump           - dump the registers of the current pmic dev
> +# pmic read 0x0       - read the register at address 0x0
> +# pmic write 0x0 0x1  - write 0x1 to the register at addres 0x0
> +
> +6. Regulator driver API
> +===================================
> +To use the regulator API, config: CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR is required.
> +The same as for the pmic devices, regulator drivers should alloc platform 
> data.
> +It's the same type as for uclass pmic drivers: 'struct pmic_platdata', and 
> can
> +be shared with the parent pmic device.
> +
> +The api is described in file: 'include/power/regulator.h'
> +
> +6.1 Getting the device:
> +- By name - usefull for unique names, or if only one regulator device exists:
> +  int regulator_get(char *name, struct udevice **regulator);
> +
> +- By I2C or SPI bus number and chip address of pmic parent - when few 
> regulator
> +  devices exists:
> +  int regulator_i2c_get(int bus, int addr, struct udevice **regulator);
> +  int regulator_spi_get(int bus, int cs, struct udevice **regulator);
> +
> +6.2 Pmic platdata function calls - useful for pmic/regulator commands
> +It's the same as for Point 3.2.
> +
> +6.3 Device I/O interface
> +According to the framework assumptions, where uclass pmic device is a parent
> +of pmic devices other uclass types, the regulator devices should use uclass
> +pmic interface, with the parent as the device, like this:
> +- pmic_read(regulator->parent, some_reg, some_val);
> +- pmic_write(regulator->parent, some_reg, &some_val);
> +
> +6.4 Device regulator operations
> +The regulator function calls are based on few data types:
> +- enum regulator_type {...} - standard types: LDO, BUCK and DVS
> +- enum regulator_out_state {...} - ON/OFF states
> +- struct regulator_value_desc {...} - output name and value limits
> +- struct regulator_mode_desc {...} - output operation mode value and name
> +- struct dm_regulator_ops {...} - regulator driver function calls
> +
> +The first argument is always device. And the device uclass id must be always:
> +
> +Function details are described in regulator header. The basic features are:
> +- Get the number of the given regulator type outputs
> +  int regulator_get_cnt(struct udevice *dev, int type, int *cnt);
> +
> +- Get the given output value descriptor
> +  int regulator_get_value_desc(struct udevice *dev, int type, int number,
> +                               struct regulator_value_desc **desc);
> +
> +- Get the given output mode descriptor array (usually more then one mode)
> +  int regulator_get_mode_desc(struct udevice *dev, int type, int number,
> +                              int *mode_cnt, struct regulator_mode_desc 
> **desc);
> +
> +- Get or set the given output voltage value (micro Volts unit)
> +  int regulator_get_value(struct udevice *dev, int type, int number, int 
> *val);
> +  int regulator_set_value(struct udevice *dev, int type, int number, int 
> val);
> +
> +- Get or set the given output on/off state
> +  int regulator_get_state(struct udevice *dev, int type, int number, int 
> *state);
> +  int regulator_set_state(struct udevice *dev, int type, int number, int 
> state);
> +
> +- Get or set the given output operation mode (mode defined by the driver)
> +  int regulator_get_mode(struct udevice *dev, int type, int number, int 
> *mode);
> +  int regulator_set_mode(struct udevice *dev, int type, int number, int 
> mode);
> +
> +7. Design limitations:
> +The child devices of the single parent device (pmic, interface), should not
> +provide it's features by more then one device each uclass types.
> +It's because, e.g. regulator_i2c_get() function will:
> +- look for the pmic device at address given by args,
> +- return it's first child device, which uclass type is 
> +So, if more then one pmic child device exists, each the same uclass type, 
> then
> +the regulator_i2c_get(), will return only first device. But usually there is 
> no
> +need to implement the same functionality with more than one instance of each
> +uclass type device.
> +
> +8. Regulator driver
> +======================================
> +As an example of the regulator driver, please take a look into the MAX77686
> +regulator driver (drivers/power/regulator/max77686.c). The driver structure:
> +
> +U_BOOT_DRIVER(max77686_regulator) = {
> +        .name = "max77686 regulator",
> +        .id = UCLASS_PMIC_REGULATOR,
> +        .ops = &reg_max77686_ops,
> +        .ofdata_to_platdata = reg_max77686_ofdata_to_platdata,
> +        .priv_auto_alloc_size = sizeof(struct max77686_regulator_info),
> +};
> +
> +This driver structure is different than for the pmic driver.
> +
> +It doesn't provide:
> +.of_match
> +.platdata_auto_alloc_size
> +
> +Both are not required in this case, because .of_match is known at the bind 
> call,
> +and the platdata pointer is the same as for the parent device (pmic).
> +
> +But instead of the pmic driver, this driver provides:
> +.of_data_to_platdata
> +
> +And this call above is responsible for fill the regulator outputs 
> descriptors,
> +which are described in device-tree, e.g. 'arch/arm/dts/exynos4412-odroid.dts'
> +
> +The bind for this driver is called in pmic/max77686.c driver bind.
> +After the pmic driver successful bind, there are two max77686 devices:
> +- max77686 pmic (parent)         - UCLASS_PMIC
> + '- max77686 regulator (child)   - UCLASS_PMIC_REGULATOR
> +
> +For the I/O, this driver uses pmic_read/write calls, with the parent device
> +as the first argument, e.g.: pmic_read(dev->parent, adr, &val);
> +
> +9. Regulator command
> +====================
> +To use the pmic command, config: CONFIG_DM_REGULATOR_CMD is required.
> +
> +The extension for the 'pmic' command is 'regulator' command.
> +This actually uses the same code, but provides the interface
> +to pmic optional 'UCLASS_PMIC_REGULATOR' operations.
> +
> +If pmic device driver provides support to this another pmic
> +uclass, then this command provides useful user interface.
> +
> +This was designed to allow safe I/O access to the pmic device,
> +without the pmic documentation. If driver provide each regulator
> +output - value and mode descriptor - then user can operate on it.
> +
> +Usage:
> +regulator list     - list UCLASS regulator devices
> +regulator dev [id] - show or set operating regulator device
> +regulator dump     - dump registers of current regulator
> +regulator [ldo/buck/dvs][N] [name/state/desc] - print regulator(s) info
> +regulator [ldoN/buckN/dvsN] [setval/setmode] [mV/modeN] [-f] - set val (mV)
> +
> +The -f option (forcibly) or mode - only if descriptor is available
> +
> +Example of usage:
> +regulator list                - look after regulator 'Id' number
> +regulator dev 'Id'            - set current device
> +regulator ldo state           - list state of current device all ldo's
> +regulator ldo desc            - list ldo's descriptors
> +regulator ldo1 setval 1000    - set device ldo 1 voltage to 1000mV
> +regulator ldo1 setval 1200 -f - if value exceeds limits - set force
> +regulator ldo1 setmode 5      - set device ldo 1 mode to '5'
> +
> +The same for 'buck' regulators.
> +
> +Note:
> +The regulator descriptor, 'min' and 'max' limits prevents setting
> +unsafe value. But sometimes it is useful to change the regulator
> +value for some test - so the force option (-f) is available.
> +This option is not available for change the mode, since this depends
> +on a pmic device design, but the required voltage value can change,
> +e.g. if some hardware uses pins header.
> --
> 1.9.1
This is a good and thorough overview. Can we drop the 'dm-' prefix on
the filename and word-wrap it a bit more consistently towards the end
(lots of short lines at present). Some of the phrasing is a bit hard
to parse, but we can figure out that later.

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