This patch series attempts to clean up the DMA implementation for the
83xx, 85xx, and 86xx architectures.  The changes include:
- consolidate 83xx, 85xx, and 86xx structures and code
- add defines for bitfields
- use proper IO accessors
- add support for arbitrarily large transfer sizes
- rename dma_xfer() to dmacpy() and make dmacpy's prototype similar
  to memcpy()

Changes since v1:
- Add 83xx patches, these were previously submitted as an RFC
- Add a CONFIG_FSL_DMA check to include/asm-ppc/config.h
- Use phys_addr_t and phys_size_t arguments to dmacpy()

I've tested the code on MPC8572 and MPC8640-based boards.  Ira Snyder
tested on an 83xx-based board.  I compile-tested all 8xxx boards.

Peter Tyser (12):
  85xx, 86xx: Break out DMA code to a common file
  fsl_dma: Add bitfield definitions for common registers
  fsl_dma: Use proper I/O access functions
  fsl_dma: Add support for arbitrarily large transfers
  fsl_dma: Fix Channel Start bug in dma_check()
  8xxx: Rename dma_xfer() to dmacpy()
  fsl_dma: Move dma function prototypes to common header file
  85xx, 86xx: Move dma_init() call to common code
  fsl_dma: Break out common memory initialization function
  fsl_dma: Make DMA transactions snoopable
  83xx: Replace CONFIG_ECC_INIT_VIA_DDRC references
  83xx: Add support for fsl_dma driver

 board/freescale/mpc8360emds/mpc8360emds.c |    4 +-
 board/freescale/mpc8360erdk/mpc8360erdk.c |    4 +-
 board/freescale/mpc837xemds/mpc837xemds.c |    4 +-
 board/freescale/mpc837xerdb/mpc837xerdb.c |    4 +-
 board/keymile/kmeter1/kmeter1.c           |    4 +-
 board/mpc8540eval/mpc8540eval.c           |   35 +------
 board/sbc8560/sbc8560.c                   |   33 +-----
 cpu/mpc83xx/cpu.c                         |   85 --------------
 cpu/mpc83xx/spd_sdram.c                   |   43 +------
 cpu/mpc85xx/cpu.c                         |   47 --------
 cpu/mpc85xx/cpu_init.c                    |    4 +-
 cpu/mpc85xx/ddr-gen1.c                    |   33 +-----
 cpu/mpc86xx/cpu.c                         |   55 ---------
 cpu/mpc86xx/cpu_init.c                    |    3 +
 drivers/dma/Makefile                      |    1 +
 drivers/dma/fsl_dma.c                     |  178 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/asm-ppc/config.h                  |    8 ++
 include/asm-ppc/fsl_dma.h                 |   90 +++++++++++++++
 include/asm-ppc/immap_83xx.h              |   49 +-------
 include/configs/PM854.h                   |    1 +
 include/configs/PM856.h                   |    1 +
 include/mpc83xx.h                         |   16 ---
 22 files changed, 308 insertions(+), 394 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 drivers/dma/fsl_dma.c

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