Hello Albert,

thanks for the information. Do you mean to pass the value using an
environment variable to the boot parameter? How would I approach to set
up an environment variable in the SPL? Wouldn't it increase the memory
footprint such that the SPL wouldn't fit into SRAM anymore?


Am 03.02.15 um 23:27 schrieb Albert ARIBAUD:
> Hello André,
> On Tue, 03 Feb 2015 13:57:28 +0100, André Schaller
> <an.sch...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> during the execution of th MLO I create a variable, whose value I want
>> to make accessible to user space applications in Android. How can this
>> be achieved?
>> One way would be to write the contents of the variable to external
>> memory and let it read by the user space process. However, I would need
>> to make sure that during boot no other process is overwriting the address.
>> Do you know of any other ways?
> Kind of a hack, but maybe you could pass the value somehow through the
> kernel boot parameters? I assume that a meaningless parameter does not
> affect the kernel but can still be parsed from /proc/cmdline.
>> Best,
>> André
> Amicalement,
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