
Richard Stallman wrote:
>     Embedded systems using core soc silicon from a number of manufacturers
>     have started to use what is known as 'secure boot'. This is typically the
>     case in applications which utilise conditional access system software to
>     protect content. The emphasis on using secure boot is largely driven by
>     the conditional access industry itself.
> The principal purpose of these products is to restrict the public's
> freedom.  So it is natural that their means involve restricting our
> freedom too.

You are right in many cases, but on the other hand especially in the
embedded market there are lots of systems which should definitivly NOT
boot every code provided. Just some examples:

- automotive control units: Think about cars being on the highway with
many fancy features built into their electronics (from their owners),
which unfortunately are a security risk for the owner and others on the
road. If a major accident is caused by modified car control software,
who will be sued in the first run? The owner (already dead?)? Or the car
manufacturer who made the system open to changes from everyone?

- medical equipment: Think what nice features could be implemented into
these many machines located in the emergency room... Accessible to any
person who comes by.

My personal believe is that there are many examples of embedded systems,
that should only execute software that has been carefully tested.

And I don't like the idea to see this area as non-compatible with free
software like U-Boot, Linux and others.



> In we organize protests against such devices.
> They don't deserve help.
>     In this context, I believe both terms are interchangeable and effectively
>     mean the same thing. It is secure because only authenticated code is
>     allowed to be executed, thus another step to avoid piracy, 
> If that is meant to refer to sharing of copies of published works,
> please don't call that "piracy".  That is a propaganda term which is
> used to spread the assumption that sharing is bad.  See
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