vxWorks needs several parameters which are set by the bootloader und his
environment. So we form a vxWorks bootline and pass the result to vxWorks on
a predefined address.

Signed-off-by: Hannes Petermaier <oe5...@oevsv.at>
 board/BuR/kwb/board.c |   30 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 30 insertions(+)

diff --git a/board/BuR/kwb/board.c b/board/BuR/kwb/board.c
index 30900bc..455f472 100644
--- a/board/BuR/kwb/board.c
+++ b/board/BuR/kwb/board.c
@@ -47,6 +47,12 @@
 #define        RSTCTRL_FORCE_PWR_NEN                   0x0404
 #define        RSTCTRL_CAN_STB                         0x4040
+#define VXWORKS_BOOTLINE                       0x80001100
+#define DEFAULT_BOOTLINE       "cpsw(0,0):pme/vxWorks"
+#define VXWORKS_USER           "u=vxWorksFTP pw=vxWorks tn=vxtarget"
 #if defined(CONFIG_SPL_BUILD)
 /* TODO: check ram-timing ! */
 static const struct ddr_data ddr3_data = {
@@ -248,6 +254,30 @@ int board_late_init(void)
        } else {
                puts("ERROR: i2c_set_bus_speed failed! (scratchregister)\n");
+       /* setup vxworks bootline */
+       char *vxworksbootline = (char *)VXWORKS_BOOTLINE;
+       /* setup default IP, in case if there is nothing in environment */
+       if (!getenv("ipaddr")) {
+               setenv("ipaddr", "");
+               setenv("netmask", "");
+               setenv("serverip", "");
+               setenv("gatewayip", "");
+               puts("net: had no IP! made default setup.\n");
+       }
+       sprintf(vxworksbootline,
+               "%s h=%s e=%s:%s g=%s %s o=0x%08x;0x%08x;0x%08x;0x%08x",
+               DEFAULT_BOOTLINE,
+               getenv("serverip"),
+               getenv("ipaddr"), getenv("netmask"),
+               getenv("gatewayip"),
+               VXWORKS_USER,
+               (unsigned int) gd->fb_base-0x20,
+               (u32)getenv_ulong("vx_memtop", 16, gd->fb_base-0x20),
+               (u32)getenv_ulong("vx_romfsbase", 16, 0),
+               (u32)getenv_ulong("vx_romfssize", 16, 0));
         * reset VBAR registers to its reset location, VxWorks does
         * expect that vectors are there, original u-boot moves them to _start

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