
On Fri, 2009-06-19 at 17:46 +0200, Dieter Kiermaier wrote:
> Hello List,
> I want to boot a (Lattice) FPGA from u-boot by using Slave Serial 
> configuration on a Marvell Kirkwood device.

Should be no problem as long as you'll have access to GPIO.

> As seen there is an (Xilinx and Altera) FPGA loader driver allready available 
> in u-boot.
> Please can somebody explain how I have to provide a FPGA bitstream
> image to u-boot?

The easiest way is to reserve some unused flash sectors and use the
first sector's start adress as arg for "fpga load".

> It seems I have to create a image with mkimage?

no - Lattice specififc bitstream can be stored in raw format.
mkimage may be useful for update, but personally I prefer update via
dedicated linux mtd partition.

> This image have to be loaded into ram and the address has to be provided to 
> the load command?

Usually an FPGA is *very* board specific. I'd suggest to use flash and
create a corresponding mtd partition for linux, i.e. make it

> Is there a maintainer for the FPGA code inside u-boot?
> I'm willing to contribute some extensions for Lattice FPGAs if I'm successful!
excellent - all you'll need is the Lattice specific bit toggle sequence.

submitting a proper patch will surely do.



> Thanks to all,
> Dieter
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