Hi Pali Rohár,
The "prefetch abort exception" occurs in the function
do_omap3_emu_romcode_call (in arch/arm/cpu/armv7/omap3/lowlevel_init.S)
when executing the instruction "SMC #1".
I can't figure out what makes the difference between the working and the
not-working versions.
Maybe we should monitor the Secure Configuration Register but gdb does
not allow to watch the coprocessor registers.
I hope it helps.
Le 04/01/2015 23:28, Georges Savoundararadj a écrit :
Hi Pali Rohár,
Le 04/01/2015 23:14, Pali Rohár a écrit :
here are commands how to compile u-boot for nokia n900, convert
uboot image into n900 nand MTD file and run it under linaro arm
version of qemu (upstream version of qemu have not merged n900
support yet):
$ export ARCH=arm
$ export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabi-
$ make nokia_rx51_config
$ make
$ qflasher -x xloader-qemu.bin -s secondary-qemu.bin \
-k u-boot.bin -m rx51 -o u-boot.mtd
$ qemu-system-arm -M n900 -mtdblock u-boot.mtd -serial /dev/tty
You need:
* qflasher - Nokia generator of nand MTD image with CAL data
* xloader-qemu.bin - Nokia first stage bootloader (X-Loader)
* secondary-qemu.bin - Nokia second stage bootloader (NOLO)
* qemu-system-arm - Linaro arm version of qemu
Linaro arm version of qemu can be downloaded e.g. from ubuntu:
(I'm using this version)
Nokia qflasher and bootloaders are proprietary and closed source
but could be found on internet. License allows to redistribute
binaries for non commercial purposes. If you are unable to find
it on internet anymore (originally they were hosted on website
repo.meego.com before intel turned it off) and you are OK with
that license, I can send you needed files.
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not allowed without prior written approval from Nokia.
I am OK with that. Please send me the needed files.
Best regards,
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