Hi Riverful,

HeungJun Kim wrote:
> Dear all,
> The cpu/arm_cortexa8/start.S dosen't have the code about onenand_ipl.
> But, If the new ARM CortexA8 specific code is addad and the new code needs
> to be
> used the onenand_ipl features, it's hard to be implemented this new code.
> So, I wonder whether it's right or not to be changed like this in the
> start.S :
> 1. at the reset vector -> just jump reset code.
> 2. execute cpu_init_crit() like not onenand_ipl code.
> 3. setup stack area.
> 4. jump start_oneboot.

For people who don't know your CPU (system? flash architecture? way to 
boot?) and have no real idea what's "the onenand_ipl features" might 
be: Do you kindly like to give some additional details about the 
problem, what onenand_ipl features are, why it is hard to add the new 
code etc.

Getting a better idea about the problem would help to get a solution 
for this ;) If you have, some example code might help, too.

Many thanks and best regards

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