Le Sun, 14 Dec 2014 22:56:21 +0200,
Nikolay Dimitrov <picmas...@mail.bg> a écrit :
> On 12/14/2014 04:52 PM, Iain Paton wrote:
> > This also leads to a slightly less unreasonable increase in bootdelay to 2s
> > from config_distro_defaults.h
> Well, this is again subjective - we can always argue that 2s is both too 
> long and too short for selected use cases, so I don't understand the 
> qualification "less unreasonable".
> In summary - I won't carry a war for this change, as it doesn't worth 
> it. I just tried to contribute a tiny bit of improvement to the already 
> excellent work of Eric, so we can have a silk-smooth out-of-the-box 
> U-Boot user experience, and I'm doing this as an actual riotboard user. 
> That's all.
well if Iain's patch configure the bootdelay to 2 seconds by default
this will be a perfect average between the actual state and your
proposal so I suggest you test Iain's patch and if its OK for you send
your ack as I have no time to test on Riot or Mars board before next
year ;-)

Thanks !
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