Seems like that was the trick. After removing the breakout board it
works much better.

I still got some problems which I don't know if its software related.
Sometimes when I power on the board the ethernet LEDs does not turn
green and the network does not work. If I power cycle the board a
number of times the LEDs turn green I can can use the network. Do you
know if that might be hw related or may it be something with the

I'll try to test U-boot v2 as you are using and see if it works better.


2009/6/15 Eric Lammerts <>:
> On 06/15/09 10:01, Johan wrote:
>> I have trouble using your patch together with our LogicPD iMX27
>> Litekit. Seems like the FEC driver does not work well. Here is some
>> output from when I try to load files with tftp
> <snip>
>> Loading: #####T #####################T #########################T 
>> ############T#
>>          #########################T ########################################
>>          ##T ####################################T #########T T #########
>> Retry count exceeded; starting again
> <snip>
>> I have downloaded the imx27lite head from the u-boot testing branch. I
>> have also tried to patch the u-boot-2009.06-rc3 branch with your
>> patches, but it does not seem to be any different. Do you have any
>> ideas what might be wrong?
> Did you have working ethernet before (with a different bootloader or in
> Linux)? Do you have the breakout board installed? I have the same board
> (but maybe an older revision; about a year old) and with the breakout
> board mounted my ethernet would behave the same way as yours. They routed
> the MII signals all the way to the headers on the breakout board, and
> that causes signal integrity problems. It could be that they fixed it on
> later revisions though (not sure).
> I'm using u-boot-v2, so I don't know anything about the u-boot fec driver.
> Eric
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