Hi Pantelis,

> $ git rebase -i
> <pick up the commit you want to edit and change pick to edit>
> $ <make changes>
> $ git add <changed-files>
> $ git rebase -continue
> You can take a look at something like this:
> https://www.atlassian.com/git/tutorials/rewriting-history/git-rebase

Thanks for the instructions, I managed to clear up this confusion. I begin to 
grasp why git has become so popular :-)

I modified patch 14 (add API to do eMMC hardware partitioning) as suggested and 
modified 15 and 16 to move the bits that do not belong in 16 to either 14 or 15 
as appropriate.

Any other changes you think I should make before I resend the patch series?

I guess I should resend the whole series to the mailing list for consistency.



Diego Santa Cruz, PhD
Technology Architect

U-Boot mailing list

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