Hi Jagan,

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 3:04 PM, Jagan Teki <jagannadh.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12 November 2014 07:57, Bin Meng <bmeng...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jagan,
>> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 10:56 AM, Bin Meng <bmeng...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jagan,
>>> On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 5:21 AM, Jagan Teki <jagannadh.t...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 1 November 2014 14:23, Bin Meng <bmeng...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> This series fix several bugs in current ICH SPI driver as well as
>>>>> adding byte program support for the SST25* flash.
>>>>> Flash params are updated to explicitly list supported read commands
>>>>> and change flash sector size to 4KiB as long as flash supports
>>>>> sector erase (20h) command.
>>>>> Changes for v2:
>>>>>   - Rebased to u-boot-spi/mater.
>>>>>   - Reviewed and updated the params of all currently supported flash
>>>>>     parts per their datasheets.
>>>>>   - Corrected AT25DF321 JEDEC ID.
>>>>>   - Corrected Atmel bulk erase command to 50h instead of D8h.
>>>>>   - Added AT25DF321A, W25X10, W25X20, W25X80 params.
>>>>> Bin Meng (12):
>>>>>   spi/ich.c: Fix a bug of reading from a non-64 bytes aligned address
>>>>>   spi/ich.c: Set the rx operation mode for ich 7
>>>>>   spi: sf: Support byte program for sst spi flash
>>>>>   sf: Update SST flash params
>>>>>   sf: Update Atmel flash params
>>>>>   sf: Update EON flash params
>>>>>   sf: Update GigaDevice flash params
>>>>>   sf: Update Macronix flash params
>>>>>   sf: Update Spansion flash params
>>>>>   sf: Update Micron flash params
>>>>>   sf: Update Winbond flash params
>>>>>   sf: Give proper spacing between flash table params
>>>> I think you combined two or more changes(unrelated) in a common patches and
>>>> Added Bulk erase support in e_cmd_rd of sf_params ie quite not correct.
>>> Do you mean I should let PATCH 1/2/3 go as a separate patch set? Since
>>> these 3 are tested on my x86 board, could it be Simon to pick up these
>>> patches instead of through the u-boot-spi? Also I don't understand you
>>> comments about "adding bulk erase support in e_cmd_rd is not correct".
>>> The e_cmd_rd in sf_params is updated to specify all supported read
>>> commands the flash can support. There is no bulk erase here.
>>>> Please fix those and send me one more.
>>>> Mean while I will look at your scenario like you're controller only 
>>>> supports AS,
>>>> As I said before as AS of AF both are similar way of transferring
>>>> except the dummy
>>>> bits passing from the driver, try to see the fix on driver point of of
>>>> instead of digging
>>>> common sf stuff.
>>> Fixing on the driver part might be possible, might be not. Even though
>>> it is possible, I don't want to do that as the ICH manual explicitly
>>> says fast read command (0Bh) is not supported by the controller. As
>>> far as I can test, actually all of the commands which require an
>>> additional dummy byte after the address cycle fail to work. The
>>> matches what the manual says.
>>> Regards,
>>> Bin
>> A gentle ping.
> Will back soon, please give some time.

Any update on this patch series?

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