>>> ---
>>> arch/arm/lib/memset.S | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
>>> 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)
>>> diff --git a/arch/arm/lib/memset.S b/arch/arm/lib/memset.S
>>> index 0cdf895..4fe38f6 100644
>>> --- a/arch/arm/lib/memset.S
>>> +++ b/arch/arm/lib/memset.S
>>>>> -18,8 +18,8 @@
>>> 1:  subs    r2, r2, #4              @ 1 do we have enough
>>>     blt     5f                      @ 1 bytes to align with?
>>>     cmp     r3, #2                  @ 1
>>> -   strltb  r1, [r0], #1            @ 1
>>> -   strleb  r1, [r0], #1            @ 1
>>> +   strblt  r1, [r0], #1            @ 1
>>> +   strble  r1, [r0], #1            @ 1

>> To test this, can we just use 'objdump'.  The hex codes should be
>> identical; there is only one encoding.  It should produce the same
>> binaries.  No need to run test-suites, etc.

On 20 Nov 2014, jer...@myspectrum.nl wrote:

> yes, I should be trivial to test (and find the trivial problem, with
> the patch I attached). I am wondering though if all version of
> gas accept the suffix notation... any idea?

One part of the answer is here,


The 'strCCb' version is definitely more popular in older ARM books.
Certainly there could be bugs and/or patched versions that make a
difference.  Probably it would be helpful to know what versions are

Back in 1999 it seems that the code at least tries to take conditions


I think it is most likely to result in a parse error if it wasn't
supported.  Any version since Thumb2/Unified (2003-2005?) was introduced
should be accepting this syntax with less issues.  Ie, it seems like a
better way forward.

Historical versions are here,


Who knows if some vendor patched things to mess something up?  Probably
grabbing an older 'gas' version and verifying it was the same binary
before/after the patch would probably be fair confirmation?  I don't
think you can 100% guarantee this doesn't break with some archaic
vendors gas.

Bill Pringlemeir.
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