Hi Ahmad,

On 23 October 2014 00:08, Ahmad Draidi <ar200...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello, Mr. Glass.
> On Wednesday 22 October 2014 11:29:00 AM Simon Glass wrote:
>> One little nit below but it looks OK to me. I'm assume that no one
>> would want to replace the command line completely?
> In some setups, one image can be used with several versions, or even
>     different boards of hardware. The bootloader passes a command line
>     argument to specify this. Also, the header file for the mkbootimg
>     specifies that the "kernel_args[] is appended to the kernel
>     commandline". So I thought this would make it consistent with other
>     bootloaders, and the spec.
>> I hope you can write a test too. Re your comment about not wanting to
>> change the code much - if we go that way the code will get really
>> ugly. When you add features you often need to refactor. When there are
>> tests, it becomes easier to know you have not broken things.
> Thanks for the tip.
> I'll try to write a test if I get the time.
> One thing comes to mind. To be able to write a test, we'll need an image
>     to test against. I think pulling in the mkbootimg tool is the right move.
>     The other option I can think of is bundling a small dummy image with
>     U-Boot, which I think is a bit ugly. What do you think?

Yes bringing in the tool sounds good. It should probably be integrated
as just another output from mkimage.

>> Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>
>> nit: return -ENOMEM - suggest adding a comment to
>> android_image_get_kernel() so its args and return value are
>> documented.
> Thank you. I'll send in a new version soon.
>> Regards,
>> Simon
> Regards,
> Ahmad Draidi

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