Hi everyone,

We just received some DDR2 DIMM samples from Micron for our 8572E/8568E
board.  We are running U-boot version v2008.10 on both processors.  When
the DRAM is initialized, U-boot bails out indicating that SPD revision
1.3 is not supported.  According to Micron, 1.3 is the latest.  The
revision log for the SPD specification indicates that the changes adds
DDR2 1066 support and CL7 support.  As a quick hack, I disabled the
version check in spd_check() and the DRAM seems to be fine (U-boot
boots, Linux boots, and a Linux kernel compile over NFS works fine).
Has anyone done any work on SPD version 1.3 support?

Thanks in advance,


  Scott N. Coulter
  Senior Software Engineer
  Cyclone Microsystems          
  370 James Street              Phone:  203.786.5536 ext. 118
  New Haven, CT 06513-3051      Email:  scott.coul...@cyclone.com
  U.S.A.                        Web:    http://www.cyclone.com

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