On 9 October 2014 21:45, Marek Vasut <ma...@denx.de> wrote:
> On Thursday, October 09, 2014 at 06:11:37 PM, Jagan Teki wrote:
> [...]
>> >> These are the qspi stuff from freescale, and I didn't understand why
>> >> these goes into
>> >> u-boot-arm/master. And there is no intimation of mine as well.
>> >
>> > Did you comment on them at all please ? While I disagree with them
>> > bypassing your tree, I see they were rotting on the ML for a month and
>> > then Albert then picked those.
>> This is not a question of commenting - but - about the process.
>> Yes, I asked the author to test the changes later for a while this got
>> pushed. I never thought this could happen so suddenly without any ping or
>> something.
>> I guess some times it happens few of the patches will rotted for a while on
>> ML due to some delays, but taking them with/out any ping causes over head
>> if the respective owner will look at the code for later modifications.
> I agree with you that there is a problem where custodians get bypassed and
> that such a thing happened to me as well. This is sporadic, but apparently
> annoying enough, so this should be added.

Ok - thanks.

>> >> Issue is that the driver itself is not in a proper shape, why does
>> >> subsystem patches were
>> >> pushed without the the review tag from a respective custodians.
>> >
>> > I produced a hypothesis above.
>> >
>> > Can you retroactively comment on them and ask the author to fix the code?
>> Yes - I asked the author for fixing those for few of the patches
>> against that change.
> Thanks!
>> >> Please try to discuss this point as well "Each subsystem patch(es)
>> >> should be pushed
>> >> if and only if the respective custodian should marked the review tag"
>> >
>> > I agree we have an issue here, but I would suggest we move this
>> > discussion into a separate thread now. The subject of the email does not
>> > match the topic of the thread by far.
>> Agreed - I mentioned this on this tread only for listing item on
>> meeting, that it.
> Will you join us as well? (sorry, I lost track of who will and who won't)

I'm unable to join this, hope you guys have more fun than last year :)

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