This piece of code was a base for prepare my presentation talk
for the U-Boot Mini Summit, which taking place at ELCE2014 conference,
13-th October 2014 Dusseldorf, Germany.

The tittle of talk: "Power(full) framework based on Driver Model"

The presentation will be shared after the Summit.

This patchset introduces the new one PMIC framework for the U-Boot.
It is still under the construction, but the basic functionality was
achieved and tested. Please feel free to comment and share the opinion.

I think that each patch is described full enough, but for some more design
details, please look into the documentation file. It includes some basic
examples for the PMIC drivers.

Quick summary of:
- The new approach - UCLASS_PMIC - simple and designed for device I/O only
- Add new uclass types: UCLASS_PMIC and UCLASS_PMIC_REGULATOR
- Two uclass drivers for above types
- A common regulator operations - will easy cover the real devices design

- Introduce new PMIC API for drivers - now everything base on "struct udevice"
- Introduce Regulator Voltage descriptors and Operation Mode descriptors
  which are usually taken from the device tree (board dependent data)
- Two uclass device drivers for MAX77686(PMIC+REGULATOR)

User Interface:
- command pmic, unchanged functionality and ported to the driver model
- command regulator(NEW) for safe regulator setup from commandline,
  - now can check output Voltage and operation mode of the regulators,
  - also can check the board Voltage limits and driver available modes

The future plans:
- Wait for the I2c Driver Model implementation
- Introduce a common way to bind pmic devices - now done by alias "pmic"
- Add additional uclass types: MUIC, CHARGER, BATTERY, MFD and maybe more.
- Introduce optimal operations for new uclasses
- Port all U-Boot drivers to the new Framework
- Remove the old drivers and the old PMIC Framework code

The assumptions of this work is:
- Add new code to independent files
- Keep two Frameworks as independent and without conflicts
- Don't mix OLD/NEW Framework code - for the readability
- Port all drivers using new API
- Remove the old Framework and the old drivers

A disadvantage:
- some parts of the present code is duplicated

Need help:
- After merge this, it is welcome to help with driver porting.
- Everything should be tested

The extra feature:
The first commit introduces errno_str() function.
It is a common function which I hope will be usefull for commands and not only.
If any visible error says: -19 or some other magic number, then it means that
this function should be used.

U-Boot Mini Summit members:
This code is maybe not as good as it could be, but the time was limited,
and the conference is comming soon. I don't expects a code review of this
now, but it would be nice if you take a look of this piece of code before
our U-Boot Mini Summit. Of course it depends on you.

Best Regards and see you in Dusseldorf!
Przemyslaw Marczak

Przemyslaw Marczak (19):
  lib: errno: introduce errno_str(): returns errno related message
  exynos: config-common: enable errno_str() function
  exynos: config-common: enable generic fs command
  dm: pmic: add implementation of driver model pmic uclass
  dm: pmic: add implementation of driver model regulator uclass
  dm: common: board_r: add call and weak of power_init_dm()
  dm: pmic: add max77686 pmic driver
  dm: regulator: add max77686 regulator driver
  dm: pmic: new commands: pmic and regulator
  dm: board:samsung: power_init_board: add requirement of CONFIG_DM_PMIC
  doc: driver-model: pmic and regulator uclass documentation
  samsung: board: lcd menu: check if any power framework is enabled
  samsung: misc: power_key_pressed: add support to dm pmic framework
  trats2: board: add support to dm pmic api
  trats2: dts: max77686: add pmic alias and names cleanup
  trats2: config: enable dm pmic, dm regulator api, dm max77686
  odroid: board: add support to dm pmic api
  odroid: dts: add 'voltage-regulators' description to max77686 node
  odroid: config: enable dm pmic, dm regulator and max77686 driver

 Makefile                               |   1 +
 arch/arm/dts/exynos4412-odroid.dts     | 250 +++++++++-
 arch/arm/dts/exynos4412-trats2.dts     |  17 +-
 board/samsung/common/board.c           |   5 +-
 board/samsung/common/misc.c            |  21 +-
 board/samsung/odroid/odroid.c          |  31 +-
 board/samsung/trats2/trats2.c          | 208 ++------
 common/board_r.c                       |   8 +
 doc/driver-model/dm-pmic-framework.txt | 450 ++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/power/Makefile                 |   6 +-
 drivers/power/cmd_pmic.c               | 845 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/power/pmic-uclass.c            | 255 ++++++++++
 drivers/power/pmic/Makefile            |   1 +
 drivers/power/pmic/max77686.c          |  89 ++++
 drivers/power/pmic_i2c.c               | 136 ++++++
 drivers/power/pmic_spi.c               | 137 ++++++
 drivers/power/regulator-uclass.c       | 250 ++++++++++
 drivers/power/regulator/Makefile       |   8 +
 drivers/power/regulator/max77686.c     | 749 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/configs/exynos-common.h        |   3 +
 include/configs/odroid.h               |   8 +-
 include/configs/trats2.h               |  14 +-
 include/dm/uclass-id.h                 |   4 +
 include/errno.h                        |   3 +
 include/power/max77686_pmic.h          |  28 +-
 include/power/pmic.h                   |  82 ++++
 include/power/regulator.h              | 267 +++++++++++
 lib/Makefile                           |   1 +
 lib/errno_str.c                        | 147 ++++++
 29 files changed, 3823 insertions(+), 201 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 doc/driver-model/dm-pmic-framework.txt
 create mode 100644 drivers/power/cmd_pmic.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/power/pmic-uclass.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/power/pmic/max77686.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/power/pmic_i2c.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/power/pmic_spi.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/power/regulator-uclass.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/power/regulator/Makefile
 create mode 100644 drivers/power/regulator/max77686.c
 create mode 100644 include/power/regulator.h
 create mode 100644 lib/errno_str.c


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