
Thanks for letting me know all this. I wasn't aware that there are some troubles using the sunxi-linux branch with the mainline u-boot. Unfortunately there are many sources of information on the sunxi boards and how to get things up and running but there is only limited information about running mainline stuff.

I will try to overwrite the dram settings and see if that changes anything.

I did not mention in my first e-mail that I also used the 'machid' setting in the new u-boot that points to sun4i (because in the mainline version it didn't detect my Olinuxino and told me to specify the correct machid), could that also be the cause of troubles because it does not really match the exact board (I did use the 'defconfig' for the A10-Lime).

And another thing; I tried a couple of the latest 3.15 mainline kernels a couple of weeks ago with sunxi-uboot to create a home-server with the Olinuxino Line A10. I combined this with the BTRFS filesystem (2 USB sticks in mirror), but that filesystem created corruption out of the blue over and over again. I tried multiple USB sticks and SD cards but maybe there are some other discrepancies between the mainline and sunxi sources that could cause this? That was the opposite of what I am doing now (so sunxi-uboot with mainline kernel instead of now mainline sunxi with sunxi-kernel)


On 03-10-14 11:19, Hans de Goede wrote:

On 10/03/2014 10:49 AM, Siarhei Siamashka wrote:
On Fri, 03 Oct 2014 10:04:29 +0200
Hans de Goede <hdego...@redhat.com> wrote:


On 10/01/2014 07:43 PM, Hendrik wrote:
I have always been using the sunxi u-boot from 
'https://github.com/linux-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi' and that works fine, but now I 
want to boot the kernel from USB. That is not possible in that u-boot branch. 
Therefore I switched to the latest U-Boot 'git://git.denx.de/u-boot.git' for 
the Olimex Allwinner A10 Lime as this one does have a working USB mass storage 

But when the kernel and root filesystem is booted and my application (using 
DirectFB) starts, the LCD screen is flickering between a correct image and an 
incorrect image as if sometimes random image data is displayed to the screen. 
Although it looks more like a clock or timing issue because the colors of the 
faulty screen resemble the colors of the correct screen. Also: when the cpu is 
inactive the screen is more or less ok but when doing a lot of work the screen 
starts to flicker. Then it is stable for a while and after some time it starts 
flickering again.

I am using the exact same kernel, root filesystem, U-boot environment, SD-card 
and 'script.bin' (which defines the hardware layout, I am not using a device 
tree file). The only difference is the version (and origin) of U-boot.

Can anybody shine some light on this? Maybe Hans de Goede? I have seen his name 
pop-up a lot of times with the Sunxi branch.
Hmm, the only thing I can think of which may have caused this are the
recent DRAM controller code cleanups which are in upstream u-boot and
not in https://github.com/linux-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi

Can you try copying these 2 files:


 From https://github.com/linux-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi over into upstream
u-boot, essentially reverting the DRAM cleanup patches, and see if that
fixes things ?
It is most definitely the PLL5P clock speed problem and it can be
resolved by either reverting the following patch in u-boot
or by fixing a bunch of hardcoded divisors in the sunxi-3.4
kernel (for which I'll send a patch to the linux-sunxi mailing list
later today).
Thanks, that is good to know. I'm tempted to revert that patch then for
now. I say tempted, as I'm not 100% sure on this. I do want mainline
u-boot to work eventually with the sunxi-3.4, so that we can stop
maintaining https://github.com/linux-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi

But this will requires some sunxi-3.4 kernel changes for A20 anyways,
so if you've a sunxi-3.4 patch fixing things, then maybe

Please note that you can't use the sunxi-3.4 kernel with the unmodified
mainline u-boot anyway because of the missing machine id definitions and
the new PSCI code (but this is a problem only on Allwinner A20
hardware). A few minor patches are needed here and there.
Right, I plan to fix the missing machine ids ASAP, we did not add them
because we thought they were not properly registered, but I've checked
and they actually are properly registered. I welcome a patch adding them,
and unless someone beats me to it I hope to write one myself real soon.

With the machine ids added upstream u-boot will work fine for sun4i and
sun5i with existing sunxi-3.4 kernels, which is why I'm tempted to
revert the commit you mention above if that breaks that (in some scenarios).

A feature complete u-boot branch with extra patches on top of u-boot
v2014.10 (for example, with HDMI video driver support)
Hmm, I assume that you're working on this and are going to maintain this?

So this is going to be some patches on top of v2014.10, or do you plan to
merge v2014.10 and https://github.com/linux-sunxi/u-boot-sunxi ?

If this is going to be some patches on top of v2014.10, please consider
pushing for getting these merged. I'm definitely interested in getting
upstream u-boot to work with the sunxi-3.4 kernels, and I say this with my
sunxi u-boot custodian hat firmly on.

As for the hdmi support, please note that I maintain a branch with that,
(*) which includes several fixes here:


And I plan to get this merged into u-boot master post the v2014.10 release,
the big blocker is the simplefb clocks binding thingie, and I hope that
that will be resolved soon.



*) other pending stuff I'm working on

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