Signed-off-by: Remy Bohmer <>
 V2 reworked comments from Jean-Christophe PLAGNIOL-VILLARD

 cpu/arm926ejs/at91/Makefile           |    1 +
 cpu/arm926ejs/at91/cpuinfo.c          |   65 +++++++++++++++++++++
 include/asm-arm/arch-at91/at91_dbgu.h |   69 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/asm-arm/arch-at91/cpu.h       |   99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 234 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 cpu/arm926ejs/at91/cpuinfo.c
 create mode 100644 include/asm-arm/arch-at91/at91_dbgu.h
 create mode 100644 include/asm-arm/arch-at91/cpu.h

diff --git a/cpu/arm926ejs/at91/Makefile b/cpu/arm926ejs/at91/Makefile
index 71acb0b..5c970a1 100644
--- a/cpu/arm926ejs/at91/Makefile
+++ b/cpu/arm926ejs/at91/Makefile
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ COBJS-$(CONFIG_AT91SAM9261)   += at91sam9261_devices.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_AT91SAM9263)    += at91sam9263_devices.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_AT91SAM9RL)     += at91sam9rl_devices.o
 COBJS-$(CONFIG_AT91_LED)       += led.o
 COBJS-y += clock.o
 COBJS-y += cpu.o
 COBJS-y        += timer.o
diff --git a/cpu/arm926ejs/at91/cpuinfo.c b/cpu/arm926ejs/at91/cpuinfo.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c6abad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/arm926ejs/at91/cpuinfo.c
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#include <command.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <arm926ejs.h>
+#include <asm/hardware.h>
+#include <asm/arch/at91_dbgu.h>
+#include <asm/arch/io.h>
+int print_cpuinfo(void)
+       unsigned long cidr;
+       const char *txt;
+       cidr = at91_sys_read(AT91_DBGU_CIDR);
+       switch ((cidr & AT91_CIDR_EPROC) >> 5) {
+        /* 0x1 = ARM946ES, 0x2 = ARM7TDMI, 0x4 = ARM920T */
+       case 0x5: txt = "ARM926EJS";    break;
+       default:  txt = "undefined";    break;
+       }
+       printf("Embedded Processor: %s\n", txt);
+       switch ((cidr & AT91_CIDR_ARCH) >> 20) {
+       case 0x19: txt = "AT91SAM9xx";          break;
+       case 0x29: txt = "AT91SAM9XExx";        break;
+       case 0x39: txt = "CAP9";                break;
+       default:   txt = "undefined";           break;
+       }
+       printf("Architecture: %s Series\n", txt);
+       printf("CPU-revision: %c\n", (char)('A' + (cidr & AT91_CIDR_VERSION)));
+       switch ((cidr & AT91_CIDR_NVPTYP) >> 28) {
+       case 0x0: txt = "ROM";                           break;
+       case 0x1: txt = "ROMless or onchip flash";       break;
+       case 0x2: txt = "Embedded flash memory";         break;
+       case 0x3: txt = "ROM and Embedded flash memory"; break;
+       case 0x4: txt = "SRAM emulating ROM";            break;
+       default:  txt = "undefined";                     break;
+       }
+       printf("NonVolatile Program Memory type: %s\n", txt);
+       switch (cidr & AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ) {
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_1K: txt = "1K";          break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_2K: txt = "2K";          break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_112K: txt = "112K";      break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_4K: txt = "4K";          break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_80K: txt = "80K";        break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_160K: txt = "160K";      break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_8K: txt = "8K";          break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_16K: txt = "16K";        break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_32K: txt = "32K";        break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_64K: txt = "64K";        break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_128K: txt = "128K";      break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_256K: txt = "256K";      break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_96K: txt = "96K";        break;
+       case AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_512K: txt = "512K";      break;
+       default:  txt = "undefined";                    break;
+       }
+       printf("Internal SRAM size: %s\n", txt);
+       if (cidr & AT91_CIDR_EXT)
+               printf("Extension ID: 0x%x\n", at91_sys_read(AT91_DBGU_EXID));
+       return 0;
diff --git a/include/asm-arm/arch-at91/at91_dbgu.h 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55210da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/asm-arm/arch-at91/at91_dbgu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ * include/asm-arm/arch-at91/at91_dbgu.h
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2005 Ivan Kokshaysky
+ * Copyright (C) SAN People
+ *
+ * Debug Unit (DBGU) - System peripherals registers.
+ * Based on AT91RM9200 datasheet revision E.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ */
+#ifndef AT91_DBGU_H
+#define AT91_DBGU_H
+#ifdef AT91_DBGU
+#define AT91_DBGU_CR           (AT91_DBGU + 0x00) /* Control Register */
+#define AT91_DBGU_MR           (AT91_DBGU + 0x04) /* Mode Register */
+#define AT91_DBGU_IER          (AT91_DBGU + 0x08) /* Interrupt Enable */
+#define                AT91_DBGU_TXRDY         (1 << 1)   /* Transmitter Ready 
+#define                AT91_DBGU_TXEMPTY       (1 << 9)   /* Transmitter Empty 
+#define AT91_DBGU_IDR          (AT91_DBGU + 0x0c) /* Interrupt Disable */
+#define AT91_DBGU_IMR          (AT91_DBGU + 0x10) /* Interrupt Mask */
+#define AT91_DBGU_SR           (AT91_DBGU + 0x14) /* Status Register */
+#define AT91_DBGU_RHR          (AT91_DBGU + 0x18) /* Receiver Holding */
+#define AT91_DBGU_THR          (AT91_DBGU + 0x1c) /* Transmitter Holding */
+#define AT91_DBGU_BRGR         (AT91_DBGU + 0x20) /* Baud Rate Generator */
+#define AT91_DBGU_CIDR         (AT91_DBGU + 0x40) /* Chip ID Register */
+#define AT91_DBGU_EXID         (AT91_DBGU + 0x44) /* Chip ID Extension */
+#define AT91_DBGU_FNR          (AT91_DBGU + 0x48) /* Force NTRST [SAM9 only] */
+#define                AT91_DBGU_FNTRST        (1 << 0)   /* Force NTRST */
+#endif /* AT91_DBGU */
+ * Some AT91 parts that don't have full DEBUG units still support the ID
+ * and extensions register.
+ */
+#define                AT91_CIDR_VERSION       (0x1f << 0) /* Version of the 
Device */
+#define                AT91_CIDR_EPROC         (7    << 5) /* Embedded 
Processor */
+#define                AT91_CIDR_NVPSIZ        (0xf  << 8) /* Nonvolatile 
+                                                      Memory Size */
+#define                AT91_CIDR_NVPSIZ2       (0xf  << 12) /* Second 
+                                                       Program Memory Size */
+#define                AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ       (0xf  << 16)    /* Internal 
SRAM Size */
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_1K    (1 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_2K    (2 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_112K  (4 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_4K    (5 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_80K   (6 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_160K  (7 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_8K    (8 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_16K   (9 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_32K   (10 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_64K   (11 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_128K  (12 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_256K  (13 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_96K   (14 << 16)
+#define                        AT91_CIDR_SRAMSIZ_512K  (15 << 16)
+#define                AT91_CIDR_ARCH          (0xff << 20) /* Architecture Id 
+#define                AT91_CIDR_NVPTYP        (7    << 28) /* Nonvolatile 
+                                                       Memory Type */
+#define                AT91_CIDR_EXT           (1    << 31)    /* Extension 
Flag */
diff --git a/include/asm-arm/arch-at91/cpu.h b/include/asm-arm/arch-at91/cpu.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5e5715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/asm-arm/arch-at91/cpu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ * include/asm-arm/arch-at91/cpu.h
+ *
+ *  Copyright (C) 2006 SAN People
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __ASM_ARCH_CPU_H
+#define __ASM_ARCH_CPU_H
+#include <asm/hardware.h>
+#include <asm/arch/at91_dbgu.h>
+#include <asm/arch/io.h>
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91RM9200     0x09290780
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91SAM9260    0x019803a0
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91SAM9261    0x019703a0
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91SAM9263    0x019607a0
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91SAM9RL64   0x019b03a0
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91CAP9       0x039A03A0
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91SAM9XE128  0x329973a0
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91SAM9XE256  0x329a93a0
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91SAM9XE512  0x329aa3a0
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91M40800     0x14080044
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91R40807     0x44080746
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91M40807     0x14080745
+#define ARCH_ID_AT91R40008     0x44000840
+static inline unsigned long at91_cpu_identify(void)
+       return (at91_sys_read(AT91_DBGU_CIDR) & ~AT91_CIDR_VERSION);
+#define ARCH_FAMILY_AT91X92    0x09200000
+#define ARCH_FAMILY_AT91SAM9   0x01900000
+#define ARCH_FAMILY_AT91SAM9XE 0x02900000
+static inline unsigned long at91_arch_identify(void)
+       return (at91_sys_read(AT91_DBGU_CIDR) & AT91_CIDR_ARCH);
+#ifdef CONFIG_AT91RM9200
+/* no actual detection for this architecture */
+#define cpu_is_at91rm9200()    (1)
+#define cpu_is_at91rm9200()    (0)
+#ifdef CONFIG_AT91SAM9261
+#define cpu_is_at91sam9xe()    (at91_arch_identify() == ARCH_FAMILY_AT91SAM9XE)
+#define cpu_is_at91sam9260()   ((at91_cpu_identify() == ARCH_ID_AT91SAM9260) \
+                                       || cpu_is_at91sam9xe())
+#define cpu_is_at91sam9xe()    (0)
+#define cpu_is_at91sam9260()   (0)
+#ifdef CONFIG_AT91SAM9261
+#define cpu_is_at91sam9261()   (at91_cpu_identify() == ARCH_ID_AT91SAM9261)
+#define cpu_is_at91sam9261()   (0)
+#ifdef CONFIG_AT91SAM9261
+#define cpu_is_at91sam9263()   (at91_cpu_identify() == ARCH_ID_AT91SAM9263)
+#define cpu_is_at91sam9263()   (0)
+#define cpu_is_at91sam9rl()    (at91_cpu_identify() == ARCH_ID_AT91SAM9RL64)
+#define cpu_is_at91sam9rl()    (0)
+#ifdef CONFIG_AT91CAP9
+#define cpu_is_at91cap9()      (at91_cpu_identify() == ARCH_ID_AT91CAP9)
+#define cpu_is_at91cap9()      (0)
+ * Since this is ARM, we will never run on any AVR32 CPU. But these
+ * definitions may reduce clutter in common drivers.
+ */
+#define cpu_is_at32ap7000()    (0)

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