Hi Marek,

Here are my last findings:

On 09/23/2014 01:18 PM, Marek Vasut wrote:
> +static void novena_spl_setup_iomux_sdhc(void)
> +{
> +  imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(usdhc2_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(usdhc2_pads));
> +  imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(usdhc3_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(usdhc3_pads));
> +
> +  /* Micro SD card detect */
> +  gpio_direction_input(IMX_GPIO_NR(7, 0));
> +
> +  /* Big SD card detect */
> +  gpio_direction_input(IMX_GPIO_NR(1, 4));
> +}

I think that you mentioned elsewhere in the source, that microSD card doesn't have CD. Also, GPIO7_IO00 is not connected to anything.

> +#define NOVENA_USB_HUB_RESET      IMX_GPIO_NR(7, 12)

Can you please double-check this one, it seems that GPIO7_IO12 is actually connected as PCIE_PWRON on the schematic.

> +/*
> + * USB
> + */
> +int board_ehci_hcd_init(int port)
> +{
> +  /* Reset USB hub */
> +  if (port == 1) {
> +          gpio_set_value(NOVENA_USB_HUB_RESET, 0);
> +          mdelay(2);
> +          gpio_set_value(NOVENA_USB_HUB_RESET, 1);
> +  }
> +  return 0;
> +}
> +#endif

Can you verify this - USB hubs seems to be reset not by this pin, but via RESETBMCU.

> +#define NOVENA_AUDIO_PWRON                IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 17)

This signal is not connected to the audio power switch, because R30A is marked as DNP. The audio power switch seems to be controlled by KEY_ROW1, which is not configured by uboot, I think.

> +#define NOVENA_HDMI_GHOST_HPD             IMX_GPIO_NR(5, 4)
> +static void novena_spl_setup_iomux_video(void)
> +{
> +  imx_iomux_v3_setup_multiple_pads(hdmi_pads, ARRAY_SIZE(hdmi_pads));
> +  gpio_direction_input(NOVENA_HDMI_GHOST_HPD);
> +}

Is there any added value of having this pin initialized? It should be already configured as input on reset.

> + * Environment is on MMC, starting at offset 64KiB from start of the card.
> +#define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET         (512 * 1024)

Comments and code say different things about the ENV offset - which one is the correct value?

I don't have any more comments on v4. Sorry it took so long, but it takes ages to cross-check the code, schematic and datasheets, you know... Thanks for your patience. Please tell me if I can help more.

Kind regards,
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