On Wednesday 20 May 2009 10:52:48 Timur Tabi wrote:
> Jerry Van Baren wrote:
> > That sounds like you want Wolfgang to fix a problem he doesn't have and
> > cannot reproduce, since he isn't running OS X (to the best of my
> > knowledge).
> No, what I really want is the build process to be simpler so that other
> people can fix problems with it.  I don't even understand how it works when
> it *does* work.

again, that is your itch to scratch.  people who are doing significant amount 
of work in u-boot have no problem with it as it exists now.

> A functioning build process on OS X will allow me to do more work on
> U-Boot, adding more features and fixing more bugs, than I normally would be
> able to do.  But I can't fix every problem myself.

this is open source.  if you are unwilling or unable to do the work, i imagine 
there are plenty of people out there willing to take your money and do it for 

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