On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 6:33 PM, Marek Vasut <ma...@denx.de> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd be interested in maintaining u-boot-socfpga repository. So far, we don't
> have a repo for this platform and there is a large flurry of patches flying
> around without any kind of central point for them. I'd like to get your formal
> consent for starting this and if you agree, I'd start sending PR to Albert 
> once
> the repo is in place.

I maintain a linux git repo at
git://git.rocketboards.org/linux-socfpga-next.git. It would be trivial
for us to maintain a u-boot repo at the same location.

"a large flurry of patches flying around"? Funny, that I have not been
CCed on any of these patches.

Chin-Liang, have you been?

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