> The only thing I'd like to discuss is how to name the functions. Naming 
> the functions board_*() doesn't seem to fit. Cache functionality isn't 
> really board related. Regarding L2Cache, this is CPU/SoC related. So 
> maybe omap3_l2cache_*()?
actually I'd like to have a better cache management API and you point the
board_ does not fit here as the code is soc or arch specific
> Regarding cache_flush()/board_cache_flush() below maybe Jean-Christophe 
> can help if we have already something generic for this somewhere? If not, 
> we should use something like omap3_cache_flush().
as we will support only one arch simultany I'll prefer to not specify it's
name at all.

you will ask why? The reason is that I do want have a common cache management
and a common cleanup before linux

so I'll propose l2_cache_flush as done for the Marvell orion

for non-l2 cache I prefer to manage it via armvXX as they will be common

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