Hi Steve,

On 29 August 2014 09:58, Steve Rae <s...@broadcom.com> wrote:
> On 14-08-28 05:59 PM, Simon Glass wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> On 28 August 2014 10:21, Steve Rae <s...@broadcom.com> wrote:
>>> On 14-08-28 07:45 AM, Simon Glass wrote:
>>>> Hi Steve,
>>>> On 27 August 2014 15:22, Steve Rae <s...@broadcom.com> wrote:
>>> [... snip ...]
>>>>> *From:*Steve Rae
>>>>> *Sent:* Monday, August 25, 2014 09:06
>>>>> *To:* Simon Glass
>>>>> *Subject:* buildman: issue with patman tags
>>>>> Simon,
>>>>> When I combine multiple patch-series, each with their own patman tags
>>>>> in the
>>>>> commit messages, into a single branch...
>>>>> Then:
>>>>> $ tools/buildman/buildman -b combined bcm28155_ap
>>>>> No section: 'make-flags'
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>      File "tools/buildman/buildman", line 139, in <module>
>>>>>        control.DoBuildman(options, args)
>>>>>      File "/home/srae/work/to_denx/tools/buildman/control.py", line
>>>>> 161,
>>>>> in DoBuildman
>>>>>        options.git_dir, count)
>>>>>      File
>>>>> "/home/srae/work/to_denx/tools/buildman/../patman/patchstream.py", line
>>>>> 387, in GetMetaDataForList
>>>>>        ps.ProcessLine(line)
>>>>>      File
>>>>> "/home/srae/work/to_denx/tools/buildman/../patman/patchstream.py", line
>>>>> 248, in ProcessLine
>>>>>        self.AddToSeries(line, name, value)
>>>>>      File
>>>>> "/home/srae/work/to_denx/tools/buildman/../patman/patchstream.py", line
>>>>> 94, in AddToSeries
>>>>>        self.series.AddTag(self.commit, line, name, value)
>>>>>      File "/home/srae/work/to_denx/tools/buildman/../patman/series.py",
>>>>> line 67, in AddTag
>>>>>        (commit.hash, line, values, self[name]))
>>>>> ValueError: In 442a87cd: line 'Series-version: 1': Cannot add another
>>>>> value '['1']' to series '4'
>>>>> $
>>>>> Note:  each patch-series individually build successfully with buildman,
>>>>> it is only after I combine that there are issues....
>>>> This is because buildman doesn't need these tags. For patman you need
>>>> to work with one series at a time. If you have multiple series, then
>>>> some might be at one version and some at another, and it wouldn't know
>>>> what version to put on the patch. Also there might be multiple cover
>>>> letters, etc.
>>>> If you want to keep several series in a branch, you need to use -s and
>>>> -c to control what portion of the branch represents each series.
>>> Yes, I am successfully using these flags in patman; but I want to be able
>>> to build all the combined patches...
>>>> I have thought about adding support for multiple series in a branch -
>>>> e.g. a marker on the bottom commit, giving each series a name. But I
>>>> haven't convinced myself it is desirable.
>>> That might be too complicated...
>>> Maybe just add a flag (in buildman) to simply ignore all of the commit
>>> messages (or ignore the patman tags in the commit messages) just so that the
>>> build would execute.
>>> Actually, the only think that I really need is to be able to build the
>>> last one (but I think that "--step=0" is close enough)
>> You can build just the top commit by leaving off the -b argument.
> OK, awesome!
>> Re ignoring duplicate tags, there is logic in there but it doesn't go
>> far enough for all cases. Please try this patch on top of what I sent
>> earlier today (branch buildman6 at u-boot-x86.git)
> By the time I fetched "buildman6" this morning, it seems that you already
> added this patch....
> So with this:
>         commit 6aa2c7fa621d888dd0d225af2be5dfe46409f942
>         Author: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>
>         Date:   Thu Aug 28 17:54:40 2014 -0700
>             buildman: Ignore conflicting tags
> running:
>         /tools/buildman/buildman bcm28155_ap
> it now builds successfully!
> Thanks, Steve

Good news, thanks.

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