On 20:19 Sat 23 May     , Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> Dear Jean-Christophe PLAGNIOL-VILLARD,
> In message <20090523150558.gb26...@game.jcrosoft.org> you wrote:
> > 
> >     Linux Kernel has for a long time a well-optimized mechanism for for
> >     calling initiallisation code. Import the the same functionnality to
> >     U-Boot.
> > 
> >     Evenif it will increase a few U-Boot (999 bytes) as show in PATCH 3/3
> >     if we convert the NET_MULTI it will decrease of 2212 bytes at the end
> What would be the purpose of this in a boot loader?
> For Linux iot makes sense to free each and every  byte  which  is  no
> longer  needed  because  applications running can really benefir from
> it. But in U-Boot? Please check the memory map of the running system.
> The memory regained will not even be usable by anybody...
it you read the patch 1 you will see that I've no which to free it
> What sort of benefit do you expect?
simplify the code, reduce the number of ifdef
reduce the size of U-Boot etc...

I do have some test and I've gain between 2KiB and more than 10KiB
by using this

so yes I think it's great winn

Best Regards,
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