Originally buildman had some support for building the current source tree.
However this was dropped before it was submitted, as part of the effort to
make it faster when building entire branches.

Reinstate this support. If no -b option is given, buildman will build the
current source tree.

Reported-by: Masahiro Yamada <yamad...@jp.panasonic.com>
Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <s...@chromium.org>

Changes in v6:
- Add new patch to fix patman unit tests

Changes in v5: None
Changes in v4: None
Changes in v3: None
Changes in v2: None

 tools/buildman/builder.py | 71 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 tools/buildman/control.py | 91 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 2 files changed, 108 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/buildman/builder.py b/tools/buildman/builder.py
index 48408ff..d2b72d5 100644
--- a/tools/buildman/builder.py
+++ b/tools/buildman/builder.py
@@ -248,21 +248,34 @@ class BuilderThread(threading.Thread):
             if self.toolchain:
                 # Checkout the right commit
-                if commit_upto is not None:
+                if self.builder.commits:
                     commit = self.builder.commits[commit_upto]
                     if self.builder.checkout:
                         git_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, '.git')
                         gitutil.Checkout(commit.hash, git_dir, work_dir,
-                    commit = self.builder.commit # Ick, fix this for 
+                    commit = 'current'
                 # Set up the environment and command line
                 env = self.toolchain.MakeEnvironment()
                 args = []
+                cwd = work_dir
                 if not self.builder.in_tree:
-                    args.append('O=build')
+                    if commit_upto is None:
+                        # In this case we are building in the original source
+                        # directory (i.e. the current directory where buildman
+                        # is invoked. The output directory is set to this
+                        # thread's selected work directory.
+                        #
+                        # Symlinks can confuse U-Boot's Makefile since
+                        # we may use '..' in our path, so remove them.
+                        work_dir = os.path.realpath(work_dir)
+                        args.append('O=%s/build' % work_dir)
+                        cwd = None
+                    else:
+                        args.append('O=build')
                 if self.builder.num_jobs is not None:
                     args.extend(['-j', str(self.builder.num_jobs)])
@@ -272,14 +285,14 @@ class BuilderThread(threading.Thread):
                 # If we need to reconfigure, do that now
                 if do_config:
-                    result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'distclean', work_dir,
+                    result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'distclean', cwd,
                             'distclean', *args, env=env)
-                    result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'config', work_dir,
+                    result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'config', cwd,
                             *(args + config_args), env=env)
                     config_out = result.combined
                     do_config = False   # No need to configure next time
                 if result.return_code == 0:
-                    result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'build', work_dir, *args,
+                    result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'build', cwd, *args,
                     result.stdout = config_out + result.stdout
@@ -478,8 +491,10 @@ class BuilderThread(threading.Thread):
             # Just build the currently checked-out build
-            result = self.RunCommit(None, True)
-            result.commit_upto = self.builder.upto
+            result, request_config = self.RunCommit(None, brd, work_dir, True,
+                        True, self.builder.force_build_failures)
+            result.commit_upto = 0
+            self._WriteResult(result, job.keep_outputs)
     def run(self):
@@ -491,12 +506,16 @@ class BuilderThread(threading.Thread):
         alive = True
         while True:
             job = self.builder.queue.get()
+            if self.builder.active and alive:
+                self.RunJob(job)
+            '''
                 if self.builder.active and alive:
             except Exception as err:
                 alive = False
                 print err
+            '''
@@ -763,10 +782,13 @@ class Builder:
             commit_upto: Commit number to use (0..self.count-1)
-        commit = self.commits[commit_upto]
-        subject = commit.subject.translate(trans_valid_chars)
-        commit_dir = ('%02d_of_%02d_g%s_%s' % (commit_upto + 1,
-                self.commit_count, commit.hash, subject[:20]))
+        if self.commits:
+            commit = self.commits[commit_upto]
+            subject = commit.subject.translate(trans_valid_chars)
+            commit_dir = ('%02d_of_%02d_g%s_%s' % (commit_upto + 1,
+                    self.commit_count, commit.hash, subject[:20]))
+        else:
+            commit_dir = 'current'
         output_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, commit_dir)
         return output_dir
@@ -1308,14 +1330,18 @@ class Builder:
             show_detail: Show detail for each board
             show_bloat: Show detail for each function
-        self.commit_count = len(commits)
+        self.commit_count = len(commits) if commits else 1
         self.commits = commits
         for commit_upto in range(0, self.commit_count, self._step):
             board_dict, err_lines = self.GetResultSummary(board_selected,
                     commit_upto, read_func_sizes=show_bloat)
-            msg = '%02d: %s' % (commit_upto + 1, commits[commit_upto].subject)
+            if commits:
+                msg = '%02d: %s' % (commit_upto + 1,
+                        commits[commit_upto].subject)
+            else:
+                msg = 'current'
             print self.col.Color(self.col.BLUE, msg)
             self.PrintResultSummary(board_selected, board_dict,
                     err_lines if show_errors else [], show_sizes, show_detail,
@@ -1330,7 +1356,7 @@ class Builder:
             commits: Selected commits to build
         # First work out how many commits we will build
-        count = (len(commits) + self._step - 1) / self._step
+        count = (self.commit_count + self._step - 1) / self._step
         self.count = len(board_selected) * count
         self.upto = self.warned = self.fail = 0
         self._timestamps = collections.deque()
@@ -1377,13 +1403,14 @@ class Builder:
         return os.path.join(self._working_dir, '%02d' % thread_num)
-    def _PrepareThread(self, thread_num):
+    def _PrepareThread(self, thread_num, setup_git):
         """Prepare the working directory for a thread.
         This clones or fetches the repo into the thread's work directory.
             thread_num: Thread number (0, 1, ...)
+            setup_git: True to set up a git repo clone
         thread_dir = self.GetThreadDir(thread_num)
@@ -1392,7 +1419,7 @@ class Builder:
         # Clone the repo if it doesn't already exist
         # TODO(sjg@chromium): Perhaps some git hackery to symlink instead, so
         # we have a private index but uses the origin repo's contents?
-        if self.git_dir:
+        if setup_git and self.git_dir:
             src_dir = os.path.abspath(self.git_dir)
             if os.path.exists(git_dir):
                 gitutil.Fetch(git_dir, thread_dir)
@@ -1400,17 +1427,18 @@ class Builder:
                 print 'Cloning repo for thread %d' % thread_num
                 gitutil.Clone(src_dir, thread_dir)
-    def _PrepareWorkingSpace(self, max_threads):
+    def _PrepareWorkingSpace(self, max_threads, setup_git):
         """Prepare the working directory for use.
         Set up the git repo for each thread.
             max_threads: Maximum number of threads we expect to need.
+            setup_git: True to set up a git repo clone
         for thread in range(max_threads):
-            self._PrepareThread(thread)
+            self._PrepareThread(thread, setup_git)
     def _PrepareOutputSpace(self):
         """Get the output directories ready to receive files.
@@ -1437,12 +1465,13 @@ class Builder:
             show_errors: True to show summarised error/warning info
             keep_outputs: True to save build output files
-        self.commit_count = len(commits)
+        self.commit_count = len(commits) if commits else 1
         self.commits = commits
-        self._PrepareWorkingSpace(min(self.num_threads, len(board_selected)))
+        self._PrepareWorkingSpace(min(self.num_threads, len(board_selected)),
+                commits is not None)
         self.SetupBuild(board_selected, commits)
diff --git a/tools/buildman/control.py b/tools/buildman/control.py
index 75b6498..12a9699 100644
--- a/tools/buildman/control.py
+++ b/tools/buildman/control.py
@@ -21,15 +21,20 @@ def GetPlural(count):
     """Returns a plural 's' if count is not 1"""
     return 's' if count != 1 else ''
-def GetActionSummary(is_summary, count, selected, options):
+def GetActionSummary(is_summary, commits, selected, options):
     """Return a string summarising the intended action.
         Summary string.
-    count = (count + options.step - 1) / options.step
-    str = '%s %d commit%s for %d boards' % (
-        'Summary of' if is_summary else 'Building', count, GetPlural(count),
+    if commits:
+        count = len(commits)
+        count = (count + options.step - 1) / options.step
+        commit_str = '%d commit%s' % (count, GetPlural(count))
+    else:
+        commit_str = 'current source'
+    str = '%s %s for %d boards' % (
+        'Summary of' if is_summary else 'Building', commit_str,
     str += ' (%d thread%s, %d job%s per thread)' % (options.threads,
             GetPlural(options.threads), options.jobs, GetPlural(options.jobs))
@@ -53,13 +58,18 @@ def ShowActions(series, why_selected, boards_selected, 
builder, options):
     col = terminal.Color()
     print 'Dry run, so not doing much. But I would do this:'
-    print GetActionSummary(False, len(series.commits), boards_selected,
+    if series:
+        commits = series.commits
+    else:
+        commits = None
+    print GetActionSummary(False, commits, boards_selected,
     print 'Build directory: %s' % builder.base_dir
-    for upto in range(0, len(series.commits), options.step):
-        commit = series.commits[upto]
-        print '   ', col.Color(col.YELLOW, commit.hash, bright=False),
-        print commit.subject
+    if commits:
+        for upto in range(0, len(series.commits), options.step):
+            commit = series.commits[upto]
+            print '   ', col.Color(col.YELLOW, commit.hash, bright=False),
+            print commit.subject
     for arg in why_selected:
         if arg != 'all':
@@ -93,15 +103,16 @@ def DoBuildman(options, args):
     count = options.count
     if count == -1:
         if not options.branch:
-            str = 'Please use -b to specify a branch to build'
-            print col.Color(col.RED, str)
-            sys.exit(1)
-        count = gitutil.CountCommitsInBranch(options.git_dir, options.branch)
-        if count is None:
-            str = "Branch '%s' not found or has no upstream" % options.branch
-            print col.Color(col.RED, str)
-            sys.exit(1)
-        count += 1   # Build upstream commit also
+            count = 1
+        else:
+            count = gitutil.CountCommitsInBranch(options.git_dir,
+                                                 options.branch)
+            if count is None:
+                str = ("Branch '%s' not found or has no upstream" %
+                       options.branch)
+                print col.Color(col.RED, str)
+                sys.exit(1)
+            count += 1   # Build upstream commit also
     if not count:
         str = ("No commits found to process in branch '%s': "
@@ -132,17 +143,21 @@ def DoBuildman(options, args):
     # upstream/master~..branch but that isn't possible if upstream/master is
     # a merge commit (it will list all the commits that form part of the
     # merge)
-    range_expr = gitutil.GetRangeInBranch(options.git_dir, options.branch)
-    upstream_commit = gitutil.GetUpstream(options.git_dir, options.branch)
-    series = patchstream.GetMetaDataForList(upstream_commit, options.git_dir,
-            1)
-    # Conflicting tags are not a problem for buildman, since it does not use
-    # them. For example, Series-version is not useful for buildman. On the
-    # other hand conflicting tags will cause an error. So allow later tags
-    # to overwrite earlier ones.
-    series.allow_overwrite = True
-    series = patchstream.GetMetaDataForList(range_expr, options.git_dir, None,
-            series)
+    if options.branch:
+        range_expr = gitutil.GetRangeInBranch(options.git_dir, options.branch)
+        upstream_commit = gitutil.GetUpstream(options.git_dir, options.branch)
+        series = patchstream.GetMetaDataForList(upstream_commit,
+            options.git_dir, 1)
+        # Conflicting tags are not a problem for buildman, since it does not
+        # use them. For example, Series-version is not useful for buildman. On
+        # the other hand conflicting tags will cause an error. So allow later
+        # tags to overwrite earlier ones.
+        series.allow_overwrite = True
+        series = patchstream.GetMetaDataForList(range_expr, options.git_dir, 
+                series)
+    else:
+        series = None
     # By default we have one thread per CPU. But if there are not enough jobs
     # we can have fewer threads and use a high '-j' value for make.
@@ -162,7 +177,11 @@ def DoBuildman(options, args):
     # Create a new builder with the selected options
-    output_dir = os.path.join(options.output_dir, options.branch)
+    if options.branch:
+        dirname = options.branch
+    else:
+        dirname = 'current'
+    output_dir = os.path.join(options.output_dir, dirname)
     builder = Builder(toolchains, output_dir, options.git_dir,
             options.threads, options.jobs, gnu_make=gnu_make, checkout=True,
             show_unknown=options.show_unknown, step=options.step)
@@ -180,15 +199,21 @@ def DoBuildman(options, args):
         # Work out which boards to build
         board_selected = boards.GetSelectedDict()
-        print GetActionSummary(options.summary, count, board_selected, options)
+        if series:
+            commits = series.commits
+        else:
+            commits = None
+        print GetActionSummary(options.summary, commits, board_selected,
+                               options)
         if options.summary:
             # We can't show function sizes without board details at present
             if options.show_bloat:
                 options.show_detail = True
-            builder.ShowSummary(series.commits, board_selected,
+            builder.ShowSummary(commits, board_selected,
                     options.show_errors, options.show_sizes,
                     options.show_detail, options.show_bloat)
-            builder.BuildBoards(series.commits, board_selected,
+            builder.BuildBoards(commits, board_selected,
                     options.show_errors, options.keep_outputs)

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