On Thursday, August 07, 2014 at 10:37:52 PM, Jeroen Hofstee wrote:
> Hello Marex, Tom,
> On 07-08-14 22:14, Marek Vasut wrote:
> > <snip>
> > 
> >> Well putting on my small, tiny OE user head, you need to spell out
> >> every python-module you use. To make it a bit more funny there are
> >> likely grouped, so don't be surprised this is python-system or
> >> something. I am in the impression the nativesdk uses the same recipes
> >> where possible, so hence needs to be rebuild with explicit DEPENDS
> >> (unless you got luckily that a recipe before u-boot included it.)
> >> Anyway there are a lot more people on the list who know this a lot
> >> better, Marex?
> > 
> > Thanks for CCing me.
> > 
> > I sent a patch to OE-core to ship the python modules. This is a problem
> > with the Yocto Qt SDK toolchain in general and you can track the mayhem
> > at [1]. There will likely be ELDK 5.5.3 once this is all settled.
> > 
> > btw. you should update to ELDK 5.5.2 in the first place, since the
> > compiler in Yocto 1.5.0 did have trouble with code generation [2], [3].
> > 
> > [1] http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2014-
> > August/095470.html
> > [2] http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=58854
> > [3]http://lists.openembedded.org/pipermail/openembedded-core/2014-
> > February/089489.html
> A bit of topic, beside the toolchain problems, aren't these
> dependencies of the u-boot recipe? The native sdk will pick
> them up if any machine needs them (at least in my setup).

Why would it do it please?

What exactly is your setup, please describe it in detail.

> Besides of that, do we really want so much dependencies
> for u-boot what used to be sed, awk.. and uh find perhaps?
> Is all of this needed to just compile u-boot?

This is a question for Yamada-san, +CC . But from my point of view, I see we 
dependency on python with some tools for a while -- it's only now that the 
dependency got pulled into the build system. On the other hand, I don't know 
what are the plans with the Kconfig and it might end up that this dependency 
will eventually disappear.

>       nativesdk-python-core \
>       nativesdk-python-textutils \
>       nativesdk-python-sqlite3 \
>       nativesdk-python-pickle \
>       nativesdk-python-logging \
>       nativesdk-python-elementtree \
>       nativesdk-python-curses \
>       nativesdk-python-compile \
>       nativesdk-python-compiler \
>       nativesdk-python-fcntl \
>       nativesdk-python-shell \
>       nativesdk-python-misc \
>       nativesdk-python-multiprocessing \
>       nativesdk-python-subprocess \
>       nativesdk-python-xmlrpc \
>       nativesdk-python-netclient \
>       nativesdk-python-netserver \
>       nativesdk-python-distutils \
>       nativesdk-python-unixadmin \
>       nativesdk-python-compression \
>       nativesdk-python-json \
>       nativesdk-python-unittest \
>       nativesdk-python-mmap \
>       nativesdk-python-difflib \
>       nativesdk-python-pprint \
>       nativesdk-python-git \
>       nativesdk-python-pkgutil \
> Regards,
> Jeroen

Best regards,
Marek Vasut
U-Boot mailing list

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