On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 12:18 PM, Stephen Warren <swar...@wwwdotorg.org> wrote:
> On 07/31/2014 06:40 PM, Bryan Wu wrote:
>> Use the new API which is originally taken out from boot_get_kernel
>> of bootm.c
>> diff --git a/common/bootm.c b/common/bootm.c
>>         case IMAGE_FORMAT_FIT:
>> +               if (!fit_parse_conf(argv[0], load_addr, &img_addr,
>> +                                       fit_uname_config))
>> +                       fit_parse_subimage(argv[0], load_addr, &img_addr,
>> +                                       fit_uname_kernel);
> I'd be tempted to try and rework patch 1/3 so that it could "return" the
> fit_uname_* values too. That way, you wouldn't need to call fit_parse_*() a
> second time here. This probably isn't a big issue though.

I actually tried to do that at beginning but it makes a little bit
complicated for the caller like pxe code. I believe most of users
don't care about those 2 fit uname arguments but only the kernel
address. So I think we can make it simpler firstly.

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