On Fri, Aug 01, 2014 at 10:46:31AM -0500, Jon Loeliger wrote:
> >>>> +       uart0: serial {
> >>>> +               compatible = "sandbox,serial";
> >>>> +               u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
> >>>
> >>> Shouldn't that be handled by the driver. It's certainly something that's
> >>> only relevant to the internals of U-Boot, and hence inappropriate to put
> >>> into DT.
> >>
> >> Hence the u-boot prefix. This is described in the driver model docs. I
> >> have found a work-around (which forces a driver to be inited pre-reloc
> >> if none is found) but I'm not 100% happy with it.
> >
> > I'm arguing that the property shouldn't exist in DT at all. DT is supposed
> > to be a pure description of the HW, and not encode details that are specific
> > to the implementation of particular SW. The fact that U-Boot performs
> > relocation of its code during boot is completely irrelevant to a HW
> > description.
> >
> > As such, the issue isn't whether there is a u-boot, prefix on that property,
> > but whether it's there at all.
> Right.  And I've arguing that U-Boot should use exactly the same
> descriptions that are in the Kernel even.  Those DTS descriptions should
> be common, applicable to both or neither, exactly because they do
> describe the HW and are agnostic WRT the SW that is using them.

I also agree with this.  We'll have to sort out the fall-out.


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