On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 02:08:19PM +0900, Masahiro Yamada wrote:

> Now the primary data for each board is in Kconfig, defconfig and
> It is true boards.cfg is needed for MAKEALL and buildman and might be
> useful to brouse all the supported boards in a single database.
> But it would be painful to maintain the boards.cfg in sync.
> So, this is the solution.
> Add a tool to generate the equivalent boards.cfg file based on
> the latest Kconfig, defconfig and MAINTAINERS.
> We can keep all the functions of MAKEALL and buildman with it.
> The best thing would be to change MAKEALL and buildman for not
> depending on boards.cfg in the future, but it would take some time.
> +def get_make_cmd():
> +    """Get the command name of GNU Make."""
> +    try:
> +        make_cmd = subprocess.check_output([SHOW_GNU_MAKE])
> +    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
> +        print >> sys.stderr, 'GNU Make not found'
> +        sys.exit(1)
> +    return make_cmd.rstrip()

So subprocess.check_output comes from Python 2.7 and Ubuntu 10.04 ships
with 2.6.  This isn't a deal-breaker as I'm working on updating the two
calls here now (and we'll set aside mailmapper, that's not going to be
commonly used I think).


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